[Note: Some of you may have seen the previous version of this map, Razor Bridge. This version 1.1 has been smoothed, adjusted, and improved using interlocking. The floors now require no jumping, as they should. I also made a couple of slight tweaks to gameplay, including one to enable a sniper to have a little more impact on a base assault. This is the final version of this map, so please, check it out.] Razor Bridge1.1 is a roughly symmetrical, team-based map, especially suited for Team Slayer, CTF, and Assault. The map consists of 2 bases at the corners of the large squarish area in Foundry (the built-in bases are blocked off) the top floors of which are connected directly to each other by Razor Bridges "TM" : ) (difficult, but possible to traverse without falling.) These bridges require precise jumps to cross, and have a sword suspended above them at the center. The flags and bomb points for each team are on the top floors of the bases. If a player falls from the Razor Bridges, s/he lands in The Pit, where 2 Dumpster Cannons fling Dumpsters at lethal velocities. If the player can get to one of the exit teleporters, s/he can escape to the "Turret Side'" of the map. Each base has 3 floors: an open "ground floor" underneath the flag spawn with a BR, a mostly levitating first floor, with some weapons, and the top floor that holds the flag/bomb, more weapons, and connects to the Razor Bridges. On one side of the Razor Bridges and The Pit, called the "Turret Side" there is a tower with, naturally, a machine gun turret and a mauler in the middle, a fuel rod gun at the top, and a regenerator at the bottom. The Turret Tower connects to both bases at the first floor level via bridges. There is also a Ghost at ground level whose domain is restricted to the "Turret Side" and under the bases. 2 SMGs sit next to The Pit. The other side, called the "Sniper Side" has a sniper tower in the corner with 3 levels. The sniper rifle is at the top, a mauler is in the middle, and a power drain is at the bottom. (Look around carefully from this tower for a really sweet sniper shot.) The "Sniper Side" also contains two bubble shields, an overshield, 2 plasma pistols, 2 plasma rifles, and a Brute shot. A teleporter connects the center of the "Turret Side" to the center of the "Sniper Side" across The Pit. In addition to the thrill of crossing the Razor Bridges while under fire, this map offers a lot of room for strategy, tactics, and weapon control. In CTF, try to control one side of the map, then coordinate a flag attack with teammates on the Razor Bridges. I worked very hard on this map, and fussed over every little detail, so if you are going to download the map, or you have, and like it, please comment in this thread and the Bungie.net one to keep it alive for others to find. Thanks, and enjoy! : ) Map Title: Razor Bridge1.1 Live on the edge, or die in the pit! The Razor Bridges over The Pit. Download Map More screenshots: The Pit with Dumpster cannons The "Turret Side" with Ghost, "shoot through" tower and fuel rod gun. The "Sniper Side" with Sniper Tower and overshield. The top floor of Blue Base, looking toward the Razor Bridges (right) and "Sniper Side." (left) Red Base; mostly the top floor is visible, with a little of the first floor and Back Stairs. View from the Back Stairs of Blue Base. The Pit is on the left, the "Turret Side" is on the right. View from the back of Red Base, showing its 3 distinct floors. If you escape The Pit alive, it's going to be on your knees. This unfortunate flag carrier fell into The Pit and couldn't get out before he got splattered. Download Razor Bridge1.1
This map is anything but sloppy. Everything was placed with EXTREME care. If you reject this map based on screenshots of the bases, then I'm sorry for you, because you're missing out. I worked hard to make all floors smooth where possible. The only reason there is a portion of the base floor in the center that is not completely smooth is that, given the absolute object budget limits and the way I wanted the map to play, the wall corners were the only feasible covering for the Dumpster spawn/cannon areas of The Pit. Using anything else, such as regular walls or bridges would have left me short on those for the other parts of the bases. Please, get a couple of good teams together and try this map out for yourself before passing final judgement. Better yet, before doing this, do a "Forge-through" and look at how the actual object numbers compare to the object limits. Also note the fact that you cannot place ANYTHING else in the map because the absolute object limit is reached. Thanks for your interest in my carefully-made map, but please do not call it "sloppy."