Forged by: cartoonwolf Raze is my latest and greatest map, forged high above the sandy dunes in the sky box. The map is small and symmetrical, providing fast and fair gameplay. The map provides great height variation, with three stories of play space. With multiple ramps and lifts, map control becomes key to victory. The layout of the lifts gives the map a construct feel, without the frustrations of the top being such a powerful position. The map supports a variety of gametypes, all for up to 2-6 players. Slayer is pretty standard, Oddball is very tactical, King of the Hill is by far the funnest, and Flagis very fast paced. Pictures: Please note that the pictures are a bit old. In some spots railings have been added and it's been cleaned up a bit. A view of the courtyard, showing some of the color in the map. A view of the center lift, the bottom ramps into the bases, and the gold ramp. A closer view of the center lift. The top of the center lift, where the sword is placed. Courtyard. Rockets are placed here. The two gold column can be used to jump up to the center bridge. The backside of the map, with the two side lifts. A view of the inside of the bases. Top bridge (mauler), and middle bridge (bubble shield). Top of one of the bases. Underside of the map. I don’t know why I’m showing you this. Thanks for checking out my map. It’s most likely going to be my last major release from Halo 3, so lets hope it’s a good one. Before I hand you the download link and leave you to go crazy, I’d like to toss out some special thanks. Rorak Kuroda- You’ve really helped me with the formation of this map, back when the front half of the map didn’t even exist. You’re a great forger with great creativety, and a great friend. Thanks a lot. Forge Hub tester’s guild- You guys are doing a great service by testing people’s maps, with little reward in return. So thanks to those members who tested and helped me iron out the kinks, you guys are great. All those who played or saw the map before its release and contributed ideas, you know who you are. Well that’s all people, see you in Reach! Download Raze : Halo 3 File Details Download Raze SWAT : Halo 3 File Details Download SWAT gametype : Halo 3 File Details
Are you really too lazy to take new pics? Now to the map... It's nice, nothing special, but nice. It seems like a nice little map to have some competitive CTF on. Next time you should make it a little bigger, and less box like.
It's not that I'm too lazy, it's just that it wasn't a big enough change to force me to wait until I can take new pics. The only part that isn't shown are the railings added to the top bridge and the sword spawn. And if the gameplay is good, who cares if it's too small or too boxy. I understand you might not like small maps or feel that the box shap makes it uninteresting, but I feel you should at least play the map before you make judgements like that.
Being "Box-like" isn't an actual complaint against any map, and the fact that it's small is also in no way a bad thing. In reality, Hatofwin never really made any complaints about your map. He simply stated facts that are in no way good or bad by themselves (Well, the Box-like thing wasn't really even a fact...this map isn't really Box-like at all). Also, Cartoonwolf, I support your decision to not have to take new pics. From what you're saying, the small changes to your map don't seem to warrant going into a game...Ending that and going into Theater...Taking all new pictures...Ending that game...Posting to your File Share...Going onto B-net...Copying, saving, and keeping your File Share pictures from B-net...Finding an Image Hosting site...Pasting and getting your pictures, and then pasting them to Forgehub. People, this is seriously what we have to do just to get one or two God-damned pictures. Thank the Lord almighty these pictures are here. Cheers, HarisSales. P.S. your map are a cool map with a good graphics!!!
ah i remember this map, it looks so much better then the preview, this map plays CTF quite well just had a game on it with my mates. The design of the map is box like but never mind that your map is pretty well forged, The middle of the map is my favourite part of the map, the lifts are pretty cool aswell.
What I was trying to say was that it seems like their isn't many safe spawn areas. The map was styled in a vertical fashion so if you were at the top you could look down and see most of the map. You could get to the top and get the sword then jump down to get the rockets. I suggest make a v2 where there are two bases on each side with more indoor areas. Also I don't care about looks. As long as its clean its good, and this is a very clean map. I know a lot about gameplay, and i've played a lot of maps where once you get to the top you can kill anyone below. I accidentally made a map like this once. You could get to the top, get the sniper, then get the shotgun. There was also a lot of spawn issues too.
While I respect your knowledge on the issue, I really don't think it's the case with this. I made sure to build this map so spawn killing from the top would not be an issue, almost from the start. The number of ramps and lifts makes getting to the top very easy, and there were a few pieces put in place to cut down Line of Sight from the top (like the gold ramp and the middle piece inbetween on the top of the bases). If you simply try out the map (which I'm pretty sure you haven't judging from some comments you made), then you might get a better idea of the map. If you come back and still don't like it, I'll completely understand and be cool with that. I just ask that you play the map before you comment!
This map looks like it would play well for 2v2 gametypes such as CTF and plain Slayer, but the 1st pic makes it seem a little difficult to move around. This may not be the case but that's what it looks like. Overall it looks like a very nice map. 4.5/5