RaVNzCRoFT's Halo 3 Emblem Designer [v1.0] Phew, am I glad I'm finished with this! It's taken me many, many hours over the last eight days to start and finish this project, but I think it was worth it. People like taking their Halo 3 emblem and making it into forum avatars and things like that. I figured I'd help out by making it much, much easier. "Hold on. There are already some emblem generators online!" Yes, but the only ones I've seen have small dimensions and terrible, blurry quality. My emblem designer is unique in that it is extremely high quality and has dimensions of 600x600. You'll find instructions when you download the file, but I'll give you the general idea: It's a [Photoshop] PSD file with every emblem icon and background design inside, but every folder is hidden. Pick which designs you want to create and simply make each folder visible. You can even toggle your design and customize the colors. The instructions will explain this in more detail. I know that many members of this forum use GIMP. I successfully opened this file in GIMP and, although it became less organized and some insignificant aspects changed, the document was intact. You'll still be able to figure it out, although it's much easier to use in Photoshop. I am currently on version 1.0. If you find any problems or things I can improve on, please let me know and I may release an update. Thanks for your time; I hope my emblem generator proves to be helpful. Examples (scaled down): Download RaVNzCRoFT's Halo 3 Emblem Designer MegaUpload FileFront --RaVNzCRoFT
Maybe you should try reading? I think this looks great Ravn, I'll have to download the folder if I need it some time. I reckon this should be put into the resources thread or something? Thanks Ravn for actually saying what you feel, I most likely would have gone off on a big rant. I've never seen another one of these -at all- so it's new to me at least. I'm probably going to use this for something special for the fellow staff at a H3 site I'm part of Thanks Ravn
Well I'm certainly not going to bother arguing anymore. I have a question (You may have mentioned this in the original post, but I don't seem to remember it being there) Did you 'render' each part of the emblem pieces yourself?
Then I'm very impressed, although I doubt people will realise how much work that would have involved.
huge amounts. i respect that, and this is an easy to find emblem maker. thank you. frag, i havent seen anything helpful or good come from you. stop arguing in this thread. Raven is one of the coolest/best designers on these forums. leave it be
Don't mind Frag Man he's a pre-pubescent, punk-ass, arrogant dickhead, which is funny considering he has little talent. I'm gonna download this and check it out. Good job.
This thread is not the place to argue, take it to pm's. The next person to go off topic will be infracted for spam.
Don't worry, I'm not about to argue with him again, thanks for deleting the posts (I assume it was you) I've downloaded this, but don't have time right now to open the folder, I'll let you know what I think later when I get home. Also, do you think I'd be able to stretch these beyond 600x600 without them losing quality?
This is a good idea but how can you call it a generator when it doesn't actually generate them. You have to have photoshop or gimp just to open it. Maybe you could find someone to help you code it into an actual program that would be cool to.
It's not a generator, it's a designer. That was a typo on my behalf. Thanks for responding to my report, Shad0w Viper. ArrrghSAM: No, you will not be able to enlarge the file without distorting it. You can slightly enlarge it without TOO much distortion ensuing, but you'll still lose quality.
100x100 is an average size for an avatar. 600x600 is bigger than an unusually large signature. Edit: There, that's the size of the document.
Yeah I realized that after I opened it. what would happen it I were to shrink an emblem down to 100 x 100 would it loose quality or not? If it makes a differance I'm using GIMP 2.6
No, it will retain all its quality unless you scale it down. You only lose quality if you enlarge the image. DISREGARD THIS POST
wile I under stand what your saying you worded it kinda weird. as to adding code to make this a true generator I might possibly be able to help you with that. send me a PM if your intrested.
Whoops, sorry about that: You only lose quality if you scale it UP. It retains its quality if you scale it down.
Wow. Very cool. I can see myself doing some interesting things with this. Must of took you ages to make. Kudos.