SOG just doube posted AGAIN. thats twice in the same thread. seriously...learn to edit your own posts. i downloaded this map because i had nothing else to do. Its very plain, very uncreative and just plain boring. just sticking a bunch of fusion coils in the air in what is otherwise just a simple oval track is not how you make a good race map.
please read previous posts before posting...i have explained this is simple because of the 32 fusion coils that are on the straightaway, I wanted to prevent lag...and, it is already tough enough to get around the track as it is...making it more difficult would make it annoying rather than exciting and adrenaline accelerated...just try it...then tell me what u think...
I DID read the previous posts and I HAVE tried it. and it was terrible. like i said. all youve done is put fusion coils on a boring oval track. do something origional. you said in your post: "This is a race that has different obstacles within it" thats a lie. no, it doesnt have different obstacles in it. it has one obstacle. fusion coils. thats all. nothing else. getting blown up by fusion coils that require no skill to avoid, only luck, isnt "exciting and adrenaline accelerated" its frustrating, stupid and annoying as hell. You have also obviously not done enough testing because it's very easy to cheat in this map. all you have to do get on a mongoose. drive into the roadblocks on the first corner and knock them out of the way then get in the mancannon, then drive back through the gap in the roadblocks and do it again and again. this is easily fixable and should have been noticed during testing
wow dude, u sound really ticked off, I am sorry if I provoked any of that, I know that it is simple, and by your previous post it didn't seem like you had tried it out yet, this is my first ever map that I had made, so personally I think I did a pretty good job of making the fusion coils random, and not all coming down in unison, and there is a method to getting around them, I just havent figured out the algarithem yet lol jk...and no i didnt think about that with testing, at first i had something taller than baricades but while jumping you would hit them...I dont know how u got ur mongoose on top where the mancannons are, or maybe u werent using bungie 500 so u were able to jump through the gates just with your guy... bottom line is this is my first map, i wanted it to be simple and fun to play with a group of people, (no it isnt that fun by yourself, but no custom is supposed to be) and something that could get laughs and just give people a sense of accomplishment for getting through that deadly gauntlet...
to get into the mancannons you just drive your mongoose in the side, between the mancannons and the wall. theyre on a ramp so you can fit the mongoose in behind them if u go in the side. you could fix this easily by just blocking off both sides
o, wow, yeah i didnt notice that, thank you very much, I shall take that into consideration in all the rest of the maps that I "attempt" to make...