This is my first post, so if i forgot somthing please tell me! Rats Nest Race (RtNstRce) A dificult and very fun race map with very FEW ways to cheat! There are still some though Download Map Download Raceing Gametype Built for 2-8 players! Starts off with a straightaway, going into a left turn. Through a two lane container path into a shield door speed trap. Going into another turn... but watchout! Take this turn too wide and get sent back! Through a short box maze and into the 'S' Curve. Under the platform and out to pull a "Uey'(U-turn). Up the stairs and manuver around the barriers into a fork-lift and crate maze. Into the tunnel! And one last curve to the finish! Start First curve! Container fun! Merging Traffic! Slow down! Second turn Box maze! 'S'Curve Under... and out! Pull a Uey! Concrete curves! Forken Lifts! The tunnel Finish line!