Spoc gets an 11, it's amazing. (It almost looks like he's underwater. Wait, is he?) squid get's an 8. It's be a nine if your spartan took up more of the sig. ------ To the next person: I don't have Photoshop! I work the best I can with Paint.
Normally, I would give it a 3/10, but since you used MS Paint I will give you a 6/10. PS: I decided, I will change my sig everytime I post so it has more variety. PSPS: ForgeFreak, I will check to see if I still have the PSD. PSPSPS: For whoever is going to rate my signature, please note that it says 'Name Here' because I made it so I could just change the name to any person that wanted it, it was for more old shop. PSPSPSPS: Does anyone know if there is going to be 'Credits' coming to ForgeHub anytime soon?
lol, a lot of ps's. 8/10 It looks great, but like 1/3 from the right is a little messed up (IMO). I wanna learn how to make a sig like yours. --------------------- I have had no lessons or tutorials in photoshop but I made this one with mostly brushes. I used CS3 (i got it for free ) for mac. *edit* I dont even know what a render is.
Thats very good, for not using tuts. However, the render is pretty poor. And the background is noisy and stuff, but too repetitive. And I feel like that is an awful font to use. 5/10
I don't know what that guy with the mask is from, but the background is interesting and the render is nice and clean. "obey." looks a little plain though, and I don't know if the period at the end was necessary. 7/10
I took your advice and made it a little bigger. ----------------------------------------------------------- @Codexx, you get an 8/10; but I love your avatar more.
Don't get the shoes thing but other than that, well put together. The "i" and "d" are a bit hard to read but readable. 8/10
The render is from the half-life series, hes kind of an evil dictator guy, so obey seemed fitting. And the period is just to make it more ultimate and final.
Not bad. But only 8/10 makes my friend SHA sad. Or I'd think she'd be. The real credit for it goes to her, but it was made for me. She's better in PS than I am. I'm glad you like my avvy though, but I just ripped it from my scan of a cover of JTHM(awesome series by an amazing author) ----- Being it's Half Life, that explains why I wouldn't have a clue. I guess the period works. I just think it's rather plain. ----- 5/10 for the Assassin's Creed sig. I've made AND seen better, sorry.
7/10 I like it, but theres so many that are similer it, I'm kind of sick of the look. Try something thats fresh The sig I have below I just made. I have no skills in photoshop (tutorials) and so it was purely experimental. This is the non ripple effect version, which one do you like better?
Very nice, kronos. I think its too dark though. 9/10. @ syko1, come on man, the helmet doesn't matter. @ Opothehippo I like the non ripple one better, the ripple makes him look like hes chest deep in water.
I like your sig, 7/10, Its the wrong size and is a bit blurry. I do like the hill marker stuff on it though.