I don't have any claim to graphics skill, but it seems too picture perfect. Like everything's on straight lines. The shadows for example. On a different note, I like the textures you've got going there, and the change in shade from top to bottom. But again, its on a precise vertical line, y'know? Its probably just me, I don't like things that look too perfect, too artificial.
The "Imagen" font color is a tad hard to read and strays away from the overall color scheme of the logo.
Yeah I noticed that, however it's likely it will just be removed all together for the actual main image.
Bring the drop shadow on "Rapture" closer towards the text (make the distance smaller). Also, perhaps add a gradient on the text, make the top of "Rapture" darker, to mimic the background shadow. Hehe, other than that, it looks grande
Can't wait for that resource pack. EDIT: Just saw it a few minutes after posting You just repeated what I said.
I like it but... Why is it called the "Rapture Resource Pack"? Is it just so great it'll bring about the end of days?