Download Map Variant Here: RAO PuzzleMap 2 Download Game Variant Here: RAO PuzzleMap 2 Download Map Variant Here: RAO PuzzleMap 2 Download Game Variant Here: RAO PuzzleMap 2 Start Break Threw Pit Of Death The Spinarooney Get By Me Now What Can You Play Ball With Me Ya Now What Jail O No JailBreak Jump 1 Jump 2 More Jumps Maze Which Way? Dead End Killer Balls Almost There My Ball & The End More pics below but I could not show them all cause I can only show up to 20 pics. So you will have to click on the links below to see more. Check them out and let me know what you think. Thanks! View 1 View 2 View 3 View 4 View 5 View 6 View 7 View 8 My Initials RAO I use my initials on all the maps I make to show ownership of them. So to just let you know RAO stands for my initials so if you see it on the game you know what they mean. Anyhow, this map has got to be one of the hardest maps I have made yet. I can beat this map myself and it took me about 30 min. There are tons of parts you may have to keep retrying over and over until you get it just right. Don't give up, just do the best you can and you will get the hang of it. If anyone needs help, just message me here on the forums or send me a message on Xbox Live to: o8oEvil4lien666. I will be more then glad to give you any kind of help you may need. I can give you tips and hints or just tell you what you need to do. Just let me know the kind of help you are seeking. Please download this map and tell your friends about it as well. If anyone can beat my puzzle map please also send it to me so I can see. So go ahead and download this Map Variant & Game Variant to see if you can beat my puzzle. Good Luck to all and Have Fun!!!!!! If you did not get to see my first puzzle map then check it out here at this link below: RAO PuzzleMap 1 LINK HERE: RAO PuzzleMap 1 Send All Videos For Completing The Game To o8oEvil4lien666 To Be Added To The List! Here is a list of people that have completed RAO PuzzleMap 2: o8oEvil4lien666 Limit Broken Terry2144 TR StonedSmiter babyKen1116 o8oSo SiK gee1993 GEN MASSACRE Demon Dan 34 XDelta SnipeX
just a little curious as to how both of these are the hardest maps ever... lol. I'll giev em a try tho. These betta be hard
Well part 1 is a bit hard but not to bad. Now part 2 is a lot harder then the 1st one. I'm now working on part 3. I'm working them up in hardness so let me know what you think. Thank you for trying them out and let me know what you think. Tell me what you would like to see in the next one. Any help and ideas are much appreciated. Thanks again and good luck! Also if you have any puzzle maps or know of any please let me know. Puzzle maps are awesome and I love to play others. Beating my own an't so much fun, lol But its fun to watch others try to beat them. LOL Later!
I like that people are coming out with puzzle maps...i think its a cool keep up the good work...also, people are lazy...they want your screenshots embeded in your posting so they dont have to click on the can check that out here---> ...keep on forgin!
i think thbe hardest map ever is the new rockwall map but maybe because i just cant do it. oh well this map looks fun too though
Well I have a lot of pics with mine and I could show them all but I thought it would be bad and maybe get me banned if I showed to many pics. Cause I have a lot of pics of this map and the other one. So should I post all the pics and not the links or just leave it like it is? Please let me know what you all think. Thanks And Yes I'll keep them coming everyone and thanks for all your support. Later!
Thank you and I hope you have fun with it. If you get stuck on any part feel free to hit me up and I will be more then happy to help you out. Thanks again and have fun!
What do you mean by you already have it? Do you mean you already downloaded it off me or did you get it off another person and they are saying it is theirs? Just asking cause I made this map and noone else did. So just let me know what you mean for sure. Thanks And about how long it takes to beat is about 15 min. if you can do it fast and not mess up. Estimated Time To Beat Each Map! PuzzleMap 1 = 7min. PuzzleMap 2 = 15min. PuzzleMap 3 = 30min.
Thank you everyone, I have put many hours into them and hope everyone enjoys them. Thank you also for your maps and games, very fun! I must say this is a awesome site to hang with friends and share work online to sit back and have some fun. Rock On!!!! Dark Ruler I downloaded your 4 maps, they look cool. If anyone else has some good maps and games just let me know. I'll be sure to download them and check them out. Later everyone and hope to hear from you all soon.