Bungie sucks. Matchmaking sucks. Its broken. For example, I'm a 42 in snipers. When I'm not matched up against second accounters, generals who are legit, or when my team sucks, I win the game. Not so common. I was lucky today. I started off with 0 wins and 0 losses on my 41. I have 70 ish experience in the playlist, so it's not much of a factor. It took me 7 straight wins to go up to 42. And I went ridiculously positive most games, and waited until the 4 in the post game lobby each time. Wtf.
Dont spam. Stop complaining about how you can't your level higher, it won't help, nor will it change anything. If you want a higher level, get better. Simple. Requesting lock.
So setting up a discussion on the mechanics of the Matchmaking system is trolling and spamming? Hmmm.... -.-