Rant on sandbox

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Death Panda x, Jun 11, 2009.

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  1. Death Panda x

    Death Panda x Ancient
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    I know your probubly thinking I'm gay and sandbox is awsome... but i mean com'n. I know sandbox is pretty awsome, but if they just changed this...

    For starters, there's like a random symbol on every object.

    there is also no thingys on the bottum off walls (like in foundy).

    theres also no easy object to geo merge with ( like doors ,window pannels, and more...)

    and there is no small objects to really use ( like barrles, doors, ect )

    And most of all, Everything is the same DAM C
    OLOR!!! :mad:
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Ok, I don't think you're gay, but you did come on a little strong...
    Anyways, You like the things on the bottom of walls, because most people tried to merge that to hide it, no just because...

    Also Sandbox's objects have authentic symbols on them to show history, if you dont like them, dont use that side...

    also the small objects I guess are a loss, but Sandbox is more so based on Gameplay, and why would there be barrels there? or stuff like that, if its supposed to be an abandonded area. Theres rubble, thats all you get :D

    + You have to balance the map colors given, such as Gold, Brown,

    as for merging, DONT BE A LAZY ASS, same as a dorr, theres just one extra step. Thats putting it in the object. Plus the wiggle method didn't exist on Foundry which is very helpful for Dune forging
    #2 Given To Fly, Jun 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  3. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Who cares about symbols?

    Why do you need things on the bottom of walls?

    After I was forced to not use the door method, I have decided I like the other better even on Foundry.

    There are small objects. I am not sure of the names, but one is block flat.
  4. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Theres accually like 7 different objects that are moveable

    Some are
    Block tiny,
    damaged column,
    block small,

    but there are also small immovable objects which is what the community wanted.
  5. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    The only thing I'm disappointed by is lack of differentiated movable items. Like barrels, crates, dumpsters (kind of re done but it looks like everything else) trucks, etc. That's why I still use foundry :)
  6. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    How does the random symbol effect anything..? There were symbols on all the other big objects before sandbox, like double boxes.

    I'm assuming you're saying they're harder to stand up. But honesty, it would only take an extra second and you should brace the walls so they are flush with any other walls anyway.

    Good. You need to learn to geomerge the other way, in case you decide to make a map not on foundry. Like say Blackout, or Avalanche.

    There are plenty of small objects. Ramps and such. They just aren't immovable, but pallets are still there.

    Everything was the "same damn color" on foundry.
  7. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    "Sarge! What exactly could you offer on top of this amazing deal, all for the price of oneeeee idiot!?"
    "Well Dave, its quite simple, A COUNTER-RANT!!!"

    ::cracks fingers::

    First rule of rantclub: Use the proper conventions of grammar to effectively emphasize your points in a concise and cohesive manner.

    Boy oh boy, where did your parents go wrong...?

    Aside from the gigantic run-on sentence that consists of undeveloped ideas (conundrum if I've ever seen one), spelling is an issue.

    I mean, dear god, how did you combine "awful" and "awesome" into one giant paradoxical word? Clearly you're a mad lyrical genius and I hope to God you revive rap past the crap it currently is.

    You alternate between correct capitalization and the polar situation. Emphasis on you perhaps? Arrogant...

    You possess slight clairvoyance it seems (or autism, speculative science at the moment) projecting our thoughts as your own, a powerful tool in rant-making.

    Now onto your points, or mine for that matter.

    You make a random comment about random symbols and leave it there. So, for the sake of argument, I'm going to assume you meant nothing, nothing at all, just your body muttering nonsensical matters into the grayspace you call a brain. Was that a thinly veiled insult? Possibly, but I doubt you'll be able to figure that out.

    What? Really. I never thought I'd ever be as dumbfounded as I currently am on account of another's mental inadequacy. Not only did you manage to impress me yet again with your ability to murder sentences and get away with it, but you leave another cliffhanger. Its like probing a pile of trash, except the likelihood of me finding something of use is much more likely in that analogical situation.

    Dear lord, you made a valid point. I've got nothing to say. OWATEUHMENUT

    Firstly, Forge was never meant to support "geomerging." The developers at bungie only knew about it AFTER the game was released, and since the Mythic DLC is merely an add-on, not a reboot of the system, why would you assume they'd continue to make the glitch easier. They're nice, but not philanthropic.

    Now, in case you didn't know. The sands of sandbox are easy to geomerge into, literally pushing an item in and saving...see Utah Mambo if you need an example of the end result.

    And if all else fails, use the old method that people used when they
    discovered the glitch.

    I'll give you this one, not only because its past midnight, but because I agree with it, somewhat. However, it is by no means a solid argument on which to devalue an ENTIRE map that was built specifically for the likes of forgers.

    I'm curious as to why you made a rainbow phrase to express monotony in the color scheme on Sandbox. I'll merely attribute this to your comment at the beginning of the post, as it is probably an instance of gay pride, in which case..

    go you.

  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    How are you a mod?
  9. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I should be an admin.
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