I hate some of the people who complain on xbox live. When i play i usually don't speak much, and if i do I'm usually in a party with my friends. But, for some reason i hear so many people complain about 2 things, that i'm really tired of. These two things are: Double teaming - I always hear my friend and others complain about this. I simply don't get why they complain about two people shooting at you. I mean you probably do the same exact thing, yet you complain about it. Not to mention it's not even a nooby thing to do, it's perfectly fine. "Whoring" weapons - I don't like this. I do find it annoying for someone to ONLY use rockets and ONLY use needler in matchmaking, but why not? They're both easy kills. I don't see why YOU can't just get the weapons yourself, but then again you're probably the type of self righteous person who doesn't even know what a shotgun is. So yeah that's my rant on stuff that you guys probably don't care about.
Well, people who complain about this sort of thing just want to make an excuse for why they lost the match or got killed.
Exactly. And then it becomes a habit to talk about it, because it's probably the only thing they have in common. Being a sore loser. So they make excuses, and ***** about it. I really don't care if people complain. Hey, I sometimes complain myself, and you know you'd be lying if you said you never complain. If it becomes to annoying for you to bear, just leave the party, or mute them. That usually does the trick.
Completely agree with you E93. I myself have been guilty of complaining about some of these things. We all do it, just some do it more often than others. And you are also correct in saying that you can just mute the person. Thats what the feature is there for.
Yeah i admitted i do get annoyed with people whoring weapons, but for the most part i don't complain. But when the person complaining is a good friend, you kind don't want to.
Sure you don't. Heck, I think, me, together with your friends, are the only people in the world that complain. Complainers are such losers, rite?
i really hate it when people complain about using noobish weps. it is just part of the game!!!!!!! you have to get used to it.....
Lol you can believe what you want but i do not complain at all. Only when people shoot me when i want them to get on my mongoose. All i wanna do it go for a ride and they kill me .
Exactly. People are always saying,"I shot him in the head five times, and it didn't kill them! Stupid lag!," and I have to say,"You died because you suck!" It gets really old really fast.
Probably one of the bigger ones is the whole "why don't you guys get more kills" approach in a TS game. Somebody with 10 kills and 15 deaths dies, looks at the scoreboard, and then stats whining about how much the player with 5 kills sucks. As it turns out, the player with 5 kills only has 5 deaths and has been calling out opponents and assisting with BR kills all game, while the player with 10 kills has been charging straight at the first enemy he sees and then proceding to complain about how his team isn't helping him. Happens about 1 every 3 TS games.