Does anybody know how many posts you need for what rank? Like I'm a Junior Member. When do I "rank" up?
Do you mean the ranks like, senior, herioc, ect? If you do, I think it is based on how long you have been here.
No Kilnon, he means the UNSC Trainee, UNSC Graduate and so on... Rank does not matter dude, but for you, here: EDIT: Gahhhhh Insane beat me to it! Haha, pwnt.
Ok,just going to go ahead and tell you. Those ranks really don't matter, like senior member, heroic member, and legendary member, those don't get you any kind of special attention. The onyl ranks that really "matter" and are really important, are the people with colored names, they do all the behind the scenes work and they run the site. The only way to get them is to be here for a while and to be very loyal to the site and to work hard to help it out. But yea, being a graduate, you will rank up really fast at first, and then when you get like me at a cavalier, you will rank up in like 200 posts, but then you get really high and it starts taking about 1000 posts to rank up. But i am pretty sure you get a senior member rank at either 500 or or 600 posts.
I'm gonna go ahead and lock this before more people repeat the same thing. Got any questions, just private message me :lock: