You have to get a certain amount of posts, if you look above your gun thing, there it says junior member, member, etc. Mine says member yours says junior member. But, the members and senior members are not part of the staff. You have to get promoted. The staff ranks include loyal, mod, premium, journalist, staff, retired staff, event staff, an admin. So the answer to your question is yes.
I direct you to this thread Member is 100 posts. Senior Member is 500 posts. Heroic Member is 1000 post. And BTW this should be moved to customer service.
Here is the link to what you seek to be answered: That is our stats and you go up after you post a certain number of times. If you need any help with anything else feel free to contact me with your questions. EDIT: Never mind someone already beat me to the post. And now I think this thread is in need of a lock Since the question has been answered.
and Legendary Member at 2000. the next one is at 5000 but it's a secret until it is obtained. Even I don't know it, that's how secret it is. Lock.