I have created a second account to play doubles with a mate of mine that I know out of Halo. I did this as I didn't want to lose my rank on my main. We have only lost 4 games out of about 90. We have just lost a spree of around 50 wins. You can check out our games here: http://www.bungie.net/stats/PlayerS...0_mainContent_bnetpgl_recentgamesChangePage=1 During this spree, I ranked up to 33. We won the next 13 games, about half the people were ranked higher than us and half lower. I got MVP 80% of the games and always had a positive K/D spread. We were both starting to wonder when we will finally rank up again. On the 14th game we lost. 20 - 25 I think. I even had a positive K/D ratio. After the game we went back to lobby and we both ranked down. Therefore, after a winning streak of about 50, the first game we lose we get demoted a rank each. Prior to the last rank, we had won 13 games straight. Does this seem fair? We played another to see if we would get our rank back. We won 25 -11. No rank!? So I am wondering if you have a massive spree, you are less likely to rank up? Or if you continuously play with the same person you are less likely to rank up? Please post some comments to shed some light on this.
It's to stop cheaters from going in with a party and bumping up their scores by only killing the 'blank' player. That's as much as I can discern from this.
well, wat happens is this. when you play a higher rank than you and you lose, ur rank might go down because u dont lose as much rank when yu go against someone higher than u. but if u win u go up alot because u beat someone who has a higher skill. if ur the higher skill and u lose u go down alot because u lost to a lower rank than urself. but if u win as the higher rank than u dont go up as much because u only beat a lower rank. bungie explained this in one of their updates, but i forget which one. but i do remember the article. i dont no how, but i do.
Dang dude, that sucks I was just reading an article on an xbox page about that, but i don't have the link, if i find it, i'll pass it to you. It was showing something about curves, and that how it goes up and all
Hmm, I've also tried this, and I got to 42 without any problems, it took maybe less than 100 games, the same went for Team Slayer. My friend and I definitely did not have any streaks like that either. If you do the same things each game you are less likely to rank up. For example, you might win 10 games in a row, but if all your kills are from the same weapon each game, you are less likely to rank up. Some of Bungie's ranking system is based on you learning new techniques, such as using different weapons. If the majority of your kills are beatdowns, try using a mid-long range weapon to get your kills such as a BR, and vice versa. What icedemon said is also true, you are more likely to rank up if you have just beaten a team that was a higher rank than you, but are less likely to rank up if the opposition is lower than you. The same goes for de-ranking.
that's weird, I've heard of people going up to fifty in doubles winning 28 out of their first 30 games so it's interesting to hear you went on a long win streak and only went up to 33...
I got to 45 in 40 games on an old monthly account. The only game I dropped was the 37th game, but I hate the ranking system. The only way this would be justifiable is if you were in the high 40's or had clocked in quite a few games. On my yearly, I got to 45 in about 100, and once I got there, I won 16 straight. I dropped the 17th game and went back down to 44. That was the first time I quit Halo for a significant amount of time because I was so pissed.
Last night I tried playing with a different person to see if it would break the cycle, no luck. As for using different weapons, I use a lot of variation. If you check my rank stats, I used sniper most, then br, melee, carbon, ...., and assault rifle is about 10th.