I am finishing a map and a part requires that 1 of 3 doors is open and it changes the door every round to give a randomized feel. I have door A,B,C. Doors A and B are always shut where door C is always open. I am using single walls. there are 10 on the map and the run time minimum is at 9. the 3 doors are set to place at start: NO and respawn time: 180 seconds. I have tried putting all 40 on the map and setting it to 39 minimum. nothing seems to work. any ideas the map kind of needs it?
Okay use three diffferent objects to block the doors. set all three to not spawn at start and set the objects runtime maximunm to 2. This should make it so at least 2 spawn at the start of every round. Good luck! Let me know how it goes.
good idea but i need it so only one door opens or it screw things up. i will try teleporters if nothing else works or random spawning. random spawning worked. thanks anyway