Rama II-38

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kapura, Jan 18, 2008.

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  1. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Rama II-38

    As I looked through the archives of Halo CE based maps, I noticed that nobody had done the map with all them teleporters. A quick jog around the internet taught me two things: 1) It's called Chiron TL-34 2) It has 9 rooms, making it hard to make in Halo 3 considering you only have access to 8 in/out teleporters. After discovering these two things, I endeavored to make a map that felt, at least a little bit, like this classic Halo pit o' confusion.

    The result is this: Rama II-38. It contains 4 rooms: two symmetrical bases, one narrow-ish symmetrical room containing Shotgun and Power Drain, and one large-ish symmetrical square room containing a Rocket Launcher (all rooms contain other weapons, but these are the defining power weapons). Each base has two 2-ways and one receiver teleporter. In both bases the right teleporter will take the person to the narrow room, while the left teleporter will take the person to the square room.The receiver is located above and in the middle of these teleporters, and can come from a higher teleporter in either of the non-base rooms.

    All of these rooms are interconnected by a series of teleporters: all 8 2-ways, 4 senders, and 2 receivers. Obviously the bases aren't directly connected, and neither are the two non-base rooms. This means that to capture the opponents flag, you need to go through at least 3 of the 4 rooms, but it is also impossible to grab the rockets and shotgun without anyone else having a chance to get the other.

    The map is set up for all gametypes, but I strongly recommend objective gametypes such as CTF or Assault, but Oddball can be fun because the indicator is more likely to confuse people than help them until they learn the relative positions of the rooms compared to theirs.

    Picture time!

    An overview of the map, from the outside. The structure on the right is the two bases which share a wall, up front on the left it the big square room, and in the back on the left is the narrower room.

    Red Base. Note that there is a 1 clip Sniper behind the sign, a Magnum behind each staircase, a Mauler in front of the sign, 2 BRs flanking the flag, an AR leaning against a crate (not seen), and a regen in the middle.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Sniper and a successful capture.

    Blue Base. Note that there is a 1 clip Sniper behind the sign, a Magnum behind each staircase, a Mauler in front of the sign, 2 BRs flanking the flag, tan AR leaning against a crate (not seen), and a regen in the middle.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    A red coming out of the upper exit, and then bringing the flag through a teleporter.

    The narrow room containing Shotgun, Power Drain, SMGs behind the stairs, 2 ARs on the top platforms, and 2 BRs against the stairs. It is useful to know that the top teleporter transports to the top receiver of the respective bases.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Here we see the use of the Sniper and an upper entrance to the blue base.

    The largest room containing the Rocket Launcher suspended in the center, a single spare clipped Needler on top of the dumpsters, a BR and a fusion coil behind each of the shelters near the teleporters, a Spiker on top of each shelter, a Plasma Rifle at the top of each set of stairs, and a Carbine near the upper teleporters in the cage. Again, the top teleporter brings the person to the top receiver of the indicated base.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Red with flag running past the minishelter by the teleporter as it gets rocketed. Notice that the splash damage from the rocket is enough to destroy the fusion coil. Also, the needler in action.

    If you download, please leave feedback!
    #1 Kapura, Jan 18, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2008
  2. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Try to give more screenshots. From what you have posted so far I really don't get a feel for the map.
  3. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    ya i have no idea how its setup either...
  4. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Updated pictures to show more gameplay and parts of the rooms.
  5. Gavintaft433

    Gavintaft433 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow thats pretty cool downloading
  6. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Feedback would be nice too from the people who downloaded this...
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