RAID! v.2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by vinco onmia, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    My Fileshare: RAID! v.2

    The corrosponding game mode is: Resident Evil 6

    "It is the first day since the remaining humans have found this safe haven, there are many heavy weapons with which they can stake out to stop the attacking zombies that carry a potent neurotoxin, capable of infecting the brain with a virus that causes a loss in control of the motor skills. This virus unifies the zombies and seeks utter dominence. With limited resources, the humans must make their stand.

    This is the second version of the map created by myself and hotasflames99. It is geared for the game varient we created, but could be played with team slayer (although I don't recommend it because it would be very subjective toward one of teams)

    A lot of time was put into this map and despite its mediocre quality, i've played some pretty awesome rounds here. Also, you can always choose different pathes to travel as a human.

    On the map are numerous power weapons that will never respawn and should be used wisely. The humans have direct access to a large armory with two teleporters, 1 leads directly to the entry hall for the zombies while the second leads to a secondary armory with sniper rifles, turrets, and a great view point to the path the zombies must traverse to get to the humans.

    Preferably played with 4-16 players (Spread the wealth, the more the better)

    Please download and share comments.

    (Picture links will arrive soon)
  2. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic
    on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
  3. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not to be offensive or rude, but it does meet the specifications as far as that list is concerned, and I also stated that there are better details at the Bungie Forum and that i will be adding pictures within the next two weeks (hopefully). So I would really appreciate it if people would download my map and send me reviews on what i could do to make it better. Thank-you
    -vinco omnia​
  4. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    id like to see this map
  5. Renato Cool Guy

    Renato Cool Guy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    does not meet the specifications, if you dont have pics dont post map till you have it and description has to be here not in bungie. this are not the bungie forums this is the best forging website ever we will apreciate your map if you add a description and pics or atleast tell us in what map is this on

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