Hi everybody, I'm here to tell you about my plans for my next map: Ragnarok. Ragnarok will be a map on the base level of sandbox, nearly everything that touches the ground will be geomerged, and most importantly it will be a combination of the halo 2 map; Relic and the halo 3 map; Valhalla, hence the name Ragnarok. The weapons I plan to be on the map are: Spartan laser x1 Battle rifle x3 Carbine x2 Sniper rifle (one clip) x1 SMG x2 Spiker x2 Brute shot x2 Shotgun x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Missle pod x1 Gravity Hammer x1 Plasma rifle x2 Needler x1 Power drain x1 Bubble shield x2 Regenerator x1 Overshield x1 Active Camo x1 Plasma grenades x12 Fragmentation grenades x8 Warthog x2 Mongoose x4 Chopper x1 Banshee x1 Scorpion x1 Machinegun turret x1 Quite obviously the map will be asymmetric, the attackers base being a valhalla base and the defenders base being the main structure from relic. Now I am not making these bases perfect remakes, I am altering them to fit the style better but the layouts will stay relatively similar. Now to some pics; A good view at the attackers base. A nice view at my epic amounts of geomerging. Where the flag will be, as you can see it is a close replica of valhalla. Now I'd like to tell you that if this map does not get recognition or attention that I will be leaving forgehub for reasons that should be quite obvious, but this will most likely be my last map posted even if I don't leave... Thank you.
its a shame your thinking of leaving, it looks good. The only reason most wouldn't pay attention is your map needs to be special more than epic forging (at first, then you make it epic at forging) once its done, get the testers guild to looks at it, if its any good after testers then post if its good, if you need more support then you could always check out review guild which is like the next step,more than anything try to get parties to play custom games nights with you and show it off there, it'll slowly grow into better and better public if its any good and worth keeping. It looks like a good remake so far, have fun with the big middle hill, update the pictures as you go so we can see
Only one in the front, its there already. I would have some pics of the relic base but its still being built and I want it to be more finished before I show it off. Btw, I did all of that for my last map (except review guild) and got a crapload of spam on it and a crapload of repeated comments on it that i could do nothing about... so if that happens again, I will leave forgehub.
what the testers spamed? like all of them saying it did play well? because thats them just saying what they think.... thats not me saying it didnt play well you seem to have a gd thing here, or did they say it wasn't good and you posted it anyway so they commented on the post saying it wasnt good?
For the most part yeah they didn't like the map, except it was excessive commenting, I had 44 posts on the map and about 75% said the same thing. the other 25% was me telling them to stop posting that. I told them not to post on it if they didn't like it so much, but they didn't listen.
..thats sort of the point of the testers guild, i dunno how you got 44 posts for 1 test but basically if someone tests they have to state the good and the bad, if someone was being cruel or anything theres ways to express how it was unfair. But That may just be that one map really didnt work well, nothing wrong with you just an idea that should never have been... you see? just dont give up I'm part of the testers guild and I have been "spamming" you with insults about your map.
Wow, I'm actually amazed by your base. People rarely put that much effort into a map. Again, wow. As for leaving FH for not getting a lot of recognition, I know what your talking about. So many of my maps go unnoticed, while maps that aren't as great get a bunch of attention. Odd...
I agree. That sounded really cocky. I have tried to offer you advice on your map(s) before and you took offense and flamed me, so I don't even know why you are here. To be honest, I would be glad if you left
People like you are the reasons why people like me leave forgehub... If you don't want to download the map, fine, Then don't post on the map! What you download is your choice, I can't and won't try to force it upon you, you shouldn't try to force-feed me your crap either. Btw, is there such a thing as an online restraining order? Just asking because dow is one of the people that keeps following my posts around and just insists on degrading the quality of my work.
Just for the record, I was commenting not on the quality of your work, which looks fine, but instead your piss poor attitude.
You are aware that the point of Forgehub is for people to discuss forge and forge maps right? You will find constructive critism on many maps around the forum, but you don't see the OP bitching at the person for not agreeing with him/her. It seems to me like you only post maps to get more downloads, which in that case, IMO you are not welcome here. Also, User CP<Ignore List to block a user.
Nowhere in the Op will you find me refering to any specific individual... I was purely stating my intentions, I'm not going to waste my time forging maps and posting them here if I keep getting crap like this, period. I could care less if you think I have a piss poor attitude, some people here have piss poor manners and I have the right to defend myself or just leave. I did not know about the ignore user thing, and will doing such keep you from posting on my threads?
nope. you just wont see his posts. as for your thoughts, its cool to want people to pay attention to your maps, and its cool to be upset if they sink... but being a whiner about it and posting "wah, if you dont pay attention to me, im gonna leave because im way more important that the other 30,000 users on here." thats lame. food for thought: if your **** doesnt do well, make it better.
I in no way feel that I am better than anyone except those members that are absolutely immature and refuse to leave me alone. Btw, thank you for telling me about the ignore user thingy.
Well, ignore him and move on. Keep this about the preview of the map, and not about how disappointed you are about how you've been received. If it falls back to that, it'll be locked.
1st thing- why are you calling it a Relic base? It is Valhalla. The map actually looks great from what I see, can I see more? If you keep going for the Relic side, try making the other base: `The Relic Base `The crashed Pelican. `Make it symmetrical with another Valhalla base If you make another Valhalla base, make a Crashed Pelican on the side (Where it is on Valhalla, except it is the Relic Pelican) Also, you shouldnt be so ass sore from criticism. I used to feel this way because people would constantly hate my maps, but then I realized that my maps just sucked. Unless someone reply's to your map saying "OMG! THIS MAP IS SUCH CRAP AND YOU ARE TERRIBLE AT FORGE!" then you shouldnt take it so seriously.
It isn't like that, I refer to it as "the relic base" because It is the main structure from relic... And it is the defenders base, hence relic base. There is only one valhalla base and no crashed pelican or albatross, I am opting for some differences that wil make this stand out and not be just a mash-up of the two levels.
Looks nice, I don't really see the point in this, we already have Valhalla, but if you are mixing Relic and that, it might turn out pretty good. I'll have to wait and see. The base you have looks good, not perfect, but close to it. Keep updating the thread as you get closer to finishing. Sorry to bring this topic up again, but.... OP can mean Original Post OR Original PostER.