
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by EliteSniper177, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. EliteSniper177

    EliteSniper177 Ancient
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    Well this is a little map me and my brother have been working on, its basically a sky-built fortress that spans the sky of Valhalla in an infection like setting. Pretty much in Norse mythology, the Valkyries served Odin. Their purpose was to choose the most heroic of those who had died in battle and carry them to Valhalla where they became Einherjar. This was necessary because Odin needed warriors to fight at his side at the battle at the end of the world known to the vikings as the Ragnarök. so pretty much this is the Ragnarök, the Valkyries have chosen their warriors and the forces of good must now fight the forces of evil, sadly however the sides are evenly matched, the unworthy can be reborn endlessly, with the same aggression as before, but the einherjar can only die once before being disgraced and returned to the pits of the unworthy, and seek revenge on those who disowned them.

    Basic layout of the map:

    And should the warriors fall from the clouds, there are always these places on mortal soil to hide:

    Odin has also helped his warriors by supplying them with a few weapons he thinks will help secure Valhalla and his victory:

    And Thor has given us his hammer:

    The map is available here:

    The gametype is available here:
  2. Ty

    Ty Guest

    This is the only floating fortress I've seen on Valhalla i think. How does it hold up to explosives?
  3. goodwill295

    goodwill295 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the theme. Sounds professional. Ill dl it now
  4. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very cool story/history lesson. Also looks like a very well done map.
  5. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's a good map and well built, but let me tell you this. The novelty of floating fortress maps has kind of worn off. It's still well done though. ;)
  6. EliteSniper177

    EliteSniper177 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well this was the last of my projects i hadn't finished, i realize that floating crates are a little less interesting now, but there still fun to play if orchestrated right

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