Well yeah, I'd assume that they have pretty much free reign too, but that doesn't mean that that couldn't have been pulled on them.
Hmm, my fault. The way you had it typed I thought you were saying that Fallout 3 did in 2008 what Rage was doing now. Fallout 3 and Rage are vastly different, although Rage does have some RPG features like weapon and equipment upgrades.
I'm a huge fan of the post apocalyptic setting, which is one of the things that caught my eye when it came to Rage. The graphics appear to be the best on consoles up until now, outstripping Crysis 2 by quite a bit. They look incredible, and the fact that the whole world was done by hand is amazing. The games concept looks great. Perhaps it isn't ridiculously original, but I can guarantee you'll have trouble pointing me out 3 games that came out lately that actually are. It looks fantastic, IMO. Perhaps even a GOTY contender. It has pretty much no similarities to Fallout. Perhaps people think so because of the post apocalyptic setting, but Fallout hardly created that. Sure, Fallout and Fallout 2 made it a little more popular, but it didn't invent the genre. Fallout 3 even less so. At that, Id pretty much invented the first person shooter genre. From what I've seen of Id and this game, I'm extremely confident in it's abilities.
Oh certainly. I think the one thing I am most excited for in the game is the A.I. That's something that's really been lacking in a lot of things. There's really two ways to go about A.I. Make them smarter so that no interaction is ever quite the same or create a multitude of enemies and spread them out so that you aren't fighting the same types of enemies over and over again. Rage seems to have gone with a blend with that. One that should be pretty cool, I hope. Anyways as for the Co-Op. It will be two player only and will be separate missions from the campaign. Now Portal 2, id the same sort of thing, but Portal 2 is a linear game. Rage is open-world and I think it faulty not to include the entirety of the campaign experience in co-op mode. The other mode seems pretty arbitrary to me, just a basic showcase of what's in the game. I can't help but watch some of these videos and be reminded of Fallout, which is a long standing franchise. I just don't see what will help it stand apart. The story has been done before, we've seen a post apocalyptic world before, etc.
I don't know about you guys, but i cannot get excited about a new franchise of any type. Too many disappointing overhyped garbage games throughout the years. This years been a big one for people regretting game purchases. people here are throwing around "GOTY" talk for something that isnt out which is silly. Maybe i'm skeptical but this game looks like a typical good idea that's just going to be a mediocre game. This one looks extra mediocre from what i've seen so far. It goes both ways, you can't tell until the controllers in your hand. But GOTY contender talk? come on don't expect that much, that's just dooming it.
New vid: the AI in this game looks amazing. I'm officially excited. RAGE Behind the Scenes, Pt. 5: The Enemy‏ - YouTube
Say hello to Half Life 2: Orange Box. OT: This is one of my three remaining game purchases this year, the other two being Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary. The gun mechanics look a little dated from what I can see, but the graphics look amazing and the people sound pretty believable. Rusty is right in that the game doesn't do very much to set itself apart from the competition, and yes it does seem very much like Fallout 3 and Borderlands, maybe even to the point where it could be called a rip-off from those two, but I'll still be purchasing it because both Fallout 3 and Borderlands were amazing games and I can see this being another great post-apocalyptic game. Still, I'm probably going to be playing Skyrim and Deus Ex: HR a lot more. Well your hopes have just been answered. Borderlands 2 just became available for pre-order. I swear the developers must have checked this thread or something. You're the first person I've seen asking for a sequel.
Rage has been in development since before fallout 3 or borderlands. How do people not get that because a game was released earlier doesn't mean it was developed earlier. I'm also pretty sure the game was just called, The Orangebox. Half life 2 was the major game for it but I don't think it was part of the title
Still doesn't take away the similarities between the games. @Second paragraph The game has a few different titles that people use: The Orange Box and Half-Life 2: Orange Box are just two of the names people use.
...Half of video games have similarities between them, to say a game that was being developed for years before 2 other games is ripping off those games is just wrong. People can call it whatever they want, the name on the box says Orange Box featuring Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2, and introducing Portal
Similarities? Between Fallout, Borderlands and Rage? What? Fallout is nothing like Borderlands at all, in any way, apart from the post apocalypticish setting running through both, and the fact they're both shooters. That's it. They're completely different games. Rage is the same. It looks completely different from either of them, gameplay and graphic wise, although the game does share some small similarities with Borderlands, such as the driving and weapon selection system. But they're hardly enough to call the game properly similar, they're just features. Features which have been done in many games before them.
I'm getting more and more amped for this game. Everytime I see a new video it just looks more badass. RAGE Official Trailer - Uprising‏ - YouTube
I stopped there. I was comparing RAGE to Fallout 3 and Borderlands. I was not comparing Fallout 3 to Borderlands. Read posts more carefully in the future. I seriously hope this game doesn't get delayed again. If it does, I'll probably cry. I've been waiting for a new IP by id for a long time.