There are a couple of spots but they are quite minor so it didn't seem worth pulling the map apart to fix.
I love close quartered closed in maps,so naturally I pretty much crapped my pants when I saw this. If it looks and plays as well as it looks in the pics I will be a happy man. Good work.
Thanks, and yeah it plays pretty well though there is quite an emphasis on sticking. I have a v2 which remedies that and introduces some more tactics but it isn't so good for casual games, so... V2 has now been added to the first post. It isn't so much of an improvement as a reworking to make it better for very competitive games. One further thing, both versions make for some awesome mosh pits, just so you know.
Now that you have a v2, I'm ready for v3 because I can't imagine how much more fun you could make this, the interlocking and layout is already great.
I love these small competitive maps that you could show people and wouldn't believe it is Foundry. Queued.
I don't know if it'll be to good for SWAT, but this map does look great. I got it queued, I'll try to take a look at it tonight.
Close quarters map needs at least a shotty... Great job, downloading, and I'll tell you what I think should be changed.
This is an excellent looking map. I like the sunken middle area. I know what you mean by 'forever' as it always feels like that when its takes a long time to get your interlocking just right. I will be checking this out for sure. --dc