Hello all! I'm new to ForgeHub so I thought it might be a good idea for me to share my map with you. This is my third finished map I've made in Reach, and also is the one I submitted for the Forgetacular Contest. It's a symmetrical-arena style map made for 4v4 slayer but can work with other player amounts. So let's get right to the good stuff. It's a really fun map, and I hope that some of you will download it and play it. Thanks!
I just had a look around in Forge and I'm interesred to see how this map plays. You have clearly put a lot of though into the maps line of sight and it is visually appealing. I really like the way the map has multiple levels, I often find myself forging flat maps. If you were looking for advice though, the high amount of objects on the map cause some lag, especially at the initial spawns for the red and blue teams. This could become a big issue in larger games. Also there is a very minor aesthetic issue of z fighting between two blocks near the rocket spawn. That being said you have a really great map here, so keep up the good work! -Wflag