:360 degrees of chaos This is a full sized map, using all of foundry except for the locker rooms. It has four different elevations, with some great long lines of sight and plenty of cover. The passage ways, rooms, and elevated walkways are very non-linear and winding, providing many corners to duck around. The flag and bomb objective points are on the highest elevations, forcing you to make your way up to capture them. I designed the upper bases with several possible attack routes, they are well balanced between being able to be defended or to be attacked. I put a lot of thought into the design and layout of this map, as well as weapon placement and respawn times. Every weapon and position has a counter weapon or flanking route. There are a few spots were someone might be able to sit for a kill or two, but each of these spots can be flanked and attacked from several directions limiting the effectiveness of camping. I have tested this map extensively and i think the weapon placement and spawn times are ideal. All power weapons have long spawn times and limited ammo. In all this map may look good, but it plays fantastic, and that was what i was going for. Enjoy! On Map: Battle Rifle x 6 ........... 30 sec respawn Assault Rifle x 6 ......... 20 sec respawn MPG x 4 .................. 120 sec respawn Needler x 2 .............. 120 sec respawn Shotgun x 2 ............. 180 sec respawn Brute Shot x 2 .......... 120 sec respawn Sniper Rifle x 2 .......... 180 sec respawn Rocket Launcher x 1 ... 180 sec respawn Energy Sword x 1 ....... 180 sec respawn Plasma Grenades x 8 .... 10 sec respawn Frag Grenades x 6 ....... 10 sec respawn Active Camo x 1 ........ 180 sec respawn Over Shield x 1 .......... 180 sec respawn Regenerator x 1 ......... 120 sec respawn Bubble shield x 2 ........ 120 sec respawn Gametypes: This level was setup and tested for every gametype. I think Free for All and Team Slayer were the best, but Territories, Capture the flag, Assault, and King of the hill also played very well. Over View Catwalks and platforms leading to Blue Base Center structure and Camo spawn Bomb spawn and plant points, flags also spawn here Action shot, shows one of the territories Bottom of center structure Shotgun spawn Back hallway, needler spawn Center structure again, camo has been taken Sword spawn Man cannon will lift you up to the roof of this structure, you can then jump onto the base from there Red side, one of the king of the hill spawn points shown Bubble shield spawn Back area, sniper rifle spawns in hanging fence box, a ramp leads up to it Click Here To Download! If you liked this, please check out the rest of my maps!
Wow this map looks totally great. What I love on this map: aesthetics: Especially the centre structure looks great and well planned. But also platforms look great. The lines of the walles make it an optic candy. layot: The map is not only based on the ground like a lot foundry maps are, it has platforms over platforms etc... Great! It is also not too empty and not too full. I definitely can not criticise this map- it is almost perfect. Btw: 1st post Lotl
OUTSTANDING!!!! really nice work i personally completely bored of foundry but i will download this because of the layout alone it is also very very neat{how the hell do you get it so neat?} I also really like the little individual areas they make for great gameplay on other maps and i'm sure will work well giving no area vast supremacy over the other May i strongley suggest you set this map up for counquest it will work well check this out for more conquest info http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-maps/34811-book-conquest.html and again first rate work
Damn good map, I haven't seen any this creative for a long time! Your map name works well too, Radian as in a really cool looking centerpiece. I'm just at a loss for words because I looked at all the photos again and picked up some very nice features, such as the man cannon lift and the way the sword guy is protected fairly well by all the overlapping fence walls. And don't even get me started on those floating shield doors, though I think I know how to float them now....5/5 and some plus rep.
This looks very nice. I found myself stairing at the center structures fence walls. They are perfect and the design they form adds to the maps great aesthenics. The layout is nice, possible too open, but nothing major. Like I said, the aesthenics are outstanding as well as the interlocking. A 5/5 is deffinately deserved. I can't wait to see more from you in the future.
nicely well done map. the gamplay looks like it would be interesting the interlokcing is also good and the koth setting goes good just a little more cover would help
This map is very well made and designed! PROS =) > smooth interlocking > good layout > beautiful aesthetics > creative use of shield doors > attractive thread CONS =( Nothing!
looks really nice, but the bottom floor (original foundry floor) looks a little empty, too open in my opinion, but i love the structures and the designs that you made out of the center
Gameplay? Have you even played the map? The flags and spawn points are way too close together, there's hardly any cover, and it's just a spawn kill waiting to happen. Sure it looks decent, it looks like any other MLG map, but it's gameplay just doesn't hold water.
Let me just say this now, its not wide open at all. Please play it, if you still think it is too open ill be amazed. the most open spots are still smaller than the open areas on the pit.
well, I admit I have never played the map. I edited my post, plz dont give me =( rep. I will download and see if the gameplay is =) or =( This map does look very good though!
I did it play it, I'm actually looking at it right now. I always play the maps, and I don't mean to sound like an ass, you did good work, he just said the game play was flawless and first of all, I don't believe he even played it, and second there is a bit of spawn killing involved.
You know with a few tweaks to weapons and and if you removed the shield doors, this would make an amazing MLG map. But even as is, this map is pretty darn symmetrical. Both objectives and slayer gametypes would be pretty sweet it seems. 5/5
Radian by Aimless Ant Author's Description 360 degrees of suffering Parent Map Foundry Applicable Game Variants (* my recommended game variants) Slayer, Team Slayer*, even Big Team Slayer* CTF Oddball, Team Oddball* KOTH, Team King* Territories, Land Grab, Flag Rally* Neutral Assault* Pros -Beautiful, clean, and original design -Creative use of scenery pieces by means of interlocking -Straight wall pieces -Genius use of map geometry -Versatility, this map can play most game variants -Plenty of Elbow room -Plays amazing on Neutral Assault and Team KOTH Cons -Some spawn-points are visible from higher ground -Where's the ammo? -The flags are too close together in CTF -There is an Active-Camo on top of the oddball My Opinion Let me start of by saying that Radian is beautifully constructed and that it's author Aimless Ant is a genius when it comes to scenery piece placement. When i first encountered the map I thought it was just another knock off MLG map, but I was wrong, it offers so much more potential. As usual, I brought in an outside party from Big Team Slayer and played a few rounds of various game variants. Neutral Assault was a big hit, as well as Team King. They were also in awe of Radian's splendor, especially the maps showcase, the energy shield rings. There are plenty of places to hide and many different routes to take which will make the gameplay different every time. People want replay value. On the downside, FFA is definately not welcome on this map. I recieved too many complaints about spawn camping from the higher platforms. Also, CTF didn't do to well either. People were grabbing the enemy flag in less than ten seconds. The flag placements are just way to close together. To make matters worse there is never any ammo to be found and I kept finding myself running out at the wrong time. And finally, I inoticed on oddball that there is an active camo piece place directly above it. That may complicate things. In retrospect, this is a fantastic map. You can tell right away that the author put a lot of effort into this map. And on some variant gampleay is astounding, on others it is mediocre. But, mediocre does not mean flawed. Download this map, you will not be disappointed. Gameplay - 8.5 Balancing - 8.5 Originality - 9.5 Neatness - 10 Overall - 9.1 Reviewed by Dj DiN, Map Reviewer of Seventh Legion
I'm just wondering, are the spawn points messed because theres no respawn areas? Because if so its an easy fix.
I loved testing this map with you. It has such good gameplay and looks great too. Definitely gonna DL it xD
Wow! I see potential feature material! From what I see this looks like a very fun and well thought out map. The game play looks good and so does the aesthetics. I especially like how neat your map is! I can't stand messy maps. (I guess I'm kind of a neat freak...) I hope this gets featured!
wow this layout looks gr8 nice job... norm. i wouldn't advice laying some many fence walls on each other but urs was organized and made it look pretty good... interlocking is VERY smooth and from what i can see layout is sound territories or hill looks like it would be really fun... nice geo merging... did u geo merge barriers in the hallway???? b/c it looks like it n if u did thats epic win.... nice job... layout seems fun i am DL when i get the DL list clear again nice work weapon layouts and such look great... i want to see a vid for this... but other than that this is awesome lol not that that effects the map but just saying KEEP forging i want to see more maps from u nice work...
I am fairly impressed by the pics. I am going to DL this and get a closer look. I will be back to edit this post with my thoughts :0)