Well I made this siggy for Racoon Sniper 13 (I forget his FH name sorry) I hope you guys like it, I tried a few new things in there plus I was working on specifics, so CnC is not necessary for this, I just thought I would show you guys:
Wheres teh sniper? I seez teh racoon... no sniper though. But anyways i like it its a little bright at the top but i like it. And is it supposed to look all rabid?
Photoshop CS2, I can't teach though I have been on Photoshop (other versions) since I was about 9 years old. I really can't make maps in forge that well I just signed up here to meet the community and get some tips on forge and I stick more in the G&A area more than anything. Yeah he/she is supposed to look like a rabid racoon.
great sig, it looks very ferocious (lol make a comical one, with rabies like white foam coming from the mouth lol)
lololololololol (microsoft sam voice) i haz graetaest idiaz (microsoft sam voice) lololol (microsoft sdrakulich voice ) ( alittle high sounding lolol) jk....i gotta see this one! you should make a tut on how you made that.....it would be headlined on the sticky (by me and juggernaut ) you should, seriously!
looks awesome for a rabid raccoon sig in my opinion, although it looks a little light at the top but you proly ment for it to be like that. Edit: wow I used proly I really need to start paying attention in english....
ummm....dont see much difference haha....photobucket has a glitch....you cant use same name, or file, but you have to rename like up until 3 characters in the name.....it sucks, yes, but ya what about on the idea of the tut?