Racoon city 1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by hobblejp, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    The basic idea I had here was to make an infection map that seems secure so of course those people who love fort like bases wont moan because they cant just sit there killing zombies, but at the same time making the map such that all the fortification really doesnt work and is all for show.

    Its based as many infection maps are, on the resident evil games in particular I think its 2 or 3 which is set in the city where you see the failed police line and are pursed by the nemesis and also loosely inspired by the second film in one place see if you can find it.

    This map features a city that looks torn apart and the scattered items from military supply drops and police survival attempts litter the streets along with a few barricaded buildings.

    The game is designed for infection games and is specially designed for my game variant Nemesis

    Download the game type

    Download the map

    heres some shots for you
    one of the Two barricaded bases I dont think those barricades will hold for long though

    The police line

    A chance to barricade the building up better if used right

    The Nemesis never realised his own strength sometimes as show here when the wall barricade crumbles

    Additional info
    *Look out for the little touches around that are deigned to add realism to the level
    * remember that despite how good barricades seem theres always some way in somehow
    * the map has a risk reward idea in it too so the greater the risk you take the better your weaponry as a reward
  2. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    I was hoping to get some feedback where possible on this map on nemesis and on normal infection games
  3. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool. I am a fan of those take a risk get rewarded maps but I take too many risks and that is my downfall!
  4. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    yeh this is one of those kind of risk ones its where the risk could simple be your downfall but for what you get its worth it
  5. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    it doesn't look very fun... there isn't really that much pictures, especialy any pics of gameplay. I think this map will be better if you had it on another map. Standoff is too big for this map's concept.
  6. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    actually the last photo is an ingame shot of a nemesis round.

    And as for the maps size if you play with the variant you will see why its needed and despite its size Ive tried to make the map feel claustrophobic and tense by using large boxes as supply dropped ones in the centre meaning that theres less open ground

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