All right well when I look at race maps I look and I can think of a million things to say about a track. Even from just the pictures of the track. Then I go down to look at other people’s responses and what do I see? I see the same generic response: Great track, very smooth, 5/5, blah, blah, blah. Then I go into the competitive maps section and I see all of these 5 paragraph long responses to these maps. I find myself thinking well why can’t you do the same for racetracks? I asked around and everyone says that there isn’t that much to say about it. Well that is not at all true. There are a lot of things to look at when reviewing a track. To proof it I wrote a guide to reviewing a track based on 5 principle parts that may or may not seem familiar. So have a look. Well I hope this helps you guys and opens your eyes to the effort a race track maker puts into creating a map. So please drop a review if you like a track, because just like any other competitive map maker, race track makers like constructive criticism and compliments.
When people start asking me what spam is, I am just going to link them to this page. Hey sharp, nice right up man. This should be very helpful for those needing something to follow when commenting on a race map. I am glad you added breakability to this because some race maps are breakable, and thats not a good thing..