Well here is a little sneak peak of my track that im making in the crypt i have never made one in the crypt before so im hoping its good yet saddly i wont be able to finish for a while and no name yet so if you have any names plz let me know thanks! pics: Hope you like it Please comment!!
Wow, this map looks like its an amazing map. I really like your merging, and the interloking is prozki. I really cant wait for this, and maybe you can call it Sub Terra, which is a hazy translation of Under Ground in Latin. Its also a really original idea, and may be the first high-caliber map in the crypt. I love originality, so I want to see this finished.
thanks alot but it sucks i cant finish for a while and yea the geomerge is great and its not ghost merged just letting you know but thanks for commenting and not a bad name