This is the first track of three tacks in the race wars series. This is one of my favorite race tracks i made. it has tight turns and quick boost so once you race it a couple times you get good at it --------------------------DOWNLOAD LINK----------------------------- : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details PICS This is were you start off, you go up the stairs back and forth against the shield doors. sometimes you make it perfect sometimes you dont. So if your racing someone it good to make that the first time so get a head start. Once past the shield doors and the turn you come up here and down the ramp on the other side. Once down the ramp you take this turn Tip: use the shield doors to you advantage. Once you go the the turn and the tunnel you head to the strait away. Tip AGAIN: use the shield doors. ONce you hit the strait away and then the turn, now you come up on the stairs. Head up them Duh. Go up the stairs take a right and into the pit. Who ever gets there first DIES..... and wins. There is also a spectating spot. the teleporter is right behind the spawn. Go threw and you will have a GREAT VIEW of the race Race Wars By xSipx ( it will say SSSPPP YA DEAD but i change gamertags)
Its pretty clean considering there is no interlocking. However, if you learned how to interlock and took a little time to do it, it would make a world of difference.
I am a very strong believer that interlocking is an absolute essential in map making. It would make this so much better. this map has a lot of potential