Race-Coaster Pro Series

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by KickingWing, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. KickingWing

    KickingWing Forerunner

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    ‪Race: Rollercoaster Pro Series by Kicking Wing‬‏ - YouTube

    Better view of the first pic


    This Racecoaster Took about 8 hours to make. The part that required the most ammount of time was the glass turn, Because its impossible to F****** see the glass. I got it to work though. Someone was offering to make videos for other people and he did one for me, which gave me inspiration to make an AMAZING crazy coaster. SO I F****** DID! Alright time to get down to business...

    Here are the first four turns. You get goin pretty dang fast, don't worry I put up some bumpers for the noobs on the first 2 turns.

    Here are the next 5 turns which lead into a nice gap

    The gap into two more turns and a drop into mini jumps down a hill (ooooohhhhhh) (aaaawwwweeee)

    The next 5 turns with glass driving..

    2 turns, 2 huge jumps, short water part and land driving into a short climb of glass to slow you down. Teleports you back to the top (perfectly) for awesomeness


    I don't think its possible to fall on the land part, if you manage to turn urself over... You officially suck

    If 3 laps aren't enough... Just put it to 100 :D

    REVIEW THE MAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Video will be posted soon :D.. ENJOY YOURSELF, Just don't soil yourself.
    #1 KickingWing, Jul 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  2. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    haha looks like a really cleanly forged race map. Race maps all look the same to me, but im willing to try it because of your humor in your posts. Keep up the good work!
  3. KickingWing

    KickingWing Forerunner

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    Glad you got the humor man. I would have to agree that most are the same, I try to up the anti with harder turns and less time driving straight down a shitty path and have jumps that are bigger than most peoples. Hope you enjoyed it
  4. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Race-Coaster Pro Series


    Race-Coaster Pro Series is a large, twisting circuit that provides an entertaining race, even though it is challenging. Because the track is wide, a racing line does exist. There is also a large reward for driving it. On some of the faster, steeper corners maintaining a racing line and executing a power slide on the corner is not only entertaining but can also allow for a lot of overtaking. Both an offensive and defensive line exists for the most part of the track, although the offensive line results in death more than it should. Because the track is so long, large gaps between players can open up, which can take the action out of the race quite dramatically.

    When players do not die, they will adore Race-Coaster Pro. When they die however it is a whole different story. Players can find themselves spawning backwards because the respawn camera is the wrong way round. Because Race-Coaster Pro does nothing to give the player a sense of direction, it could be a while before players realise they are going backwards. This can add a considerable amount of time to the lap and possibly cause the player to lose the race. Players may be irritated by losing the race because of the map's errors, not their own skill. Such a fault can greatly reduce the chances that a player will save the map for future use.

    Because the track twists and turns in varying intensities and never repeats its layout during a lap, a good replay value exists on Race-Coaster Pro Series. Although there is nothing different the second or third time around, players will enjoy going back and perfecting their time on individual corners and sectors.



    The only things that affect a racer’s likelihood of victory on Race-Coaster Pro are his or her skill and the spawns. The map spawns players on a sloping corner, which can get many racers stuck. This can totally ruin their chance of victory, not to mention the poor people behind them who will also get caught up in the traffic. Simply moving the spawn to be a different angle would solve this issue, which is why it is so disappointing.

    All the turns require some skill but are not overly difficult, and players are very likely to complete them. The majority of deaths are caused by the uneven surfaces that affect player’s balance heading into a corner.



    Race-Coaster Pro Series suffers from a few common errors in this category. There are not enough kill boundaries, and at several key areas players that fall off of the track will either fall onto another part of the track and have to manually kill themselves, or have to wait a few extra seconds to die in the sea. Although death should carry a penalty, the lack of kill boundaries makes them too large.

    The respawn points have been placed backwards in some cases causing players to spawn backwards and continue to race the wrong way for quite some time. Race-Coaster Pro can also be skipped in the earlier stages. This is because the map winds around itself a lot.

    Spawn camping is not an issue on Race-Coaster Pro, and no honour rules are in place. If players do not fall of the track, then Race-Coaster Pro is inescapable as it is built over the sea.



    The track of Race-Coaster Pro is stunning by itself with its twists and banked corners that even apply to the straights. However, it can be confusing to navigate, and there are no other smaller touches that will aid the drivers' sense of direction at all.

    From the players’ perspective, Race-Coaster Pro offers fairly little to leave the player in awe. Only on rare occasions do players see other stretches of the track when racing. The track itself is very bumpy, which can cause the odd death.



    Race-Coaster Pro Series does nothing to set itself out from other race maps apart from provide an entertaining race. Upon playing for the first time, players will be in awe of the map and will be eager to get out onto it. By the second and possibly third time, players will be perfecting the track. From then onwards it is a dull, repetitive trap, and because there is nothing extra about the map there is nothing to keep players racing.


    Rating Multipliers

    [floatleft]Enjoyment: 7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    Balance: 4 x 3.0 = 12 out of 30

    Durability: 7 x 1.5 = 10.5 out of 15
    Aesthetic : 7 x 1.5 = 10.5 out of 15
    Originality: 6 x 1.0 = 6 out of 10 [/floatleft]

    Final Score


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  5. KickingWing

    KickingWing Forerunner

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    I would like to personally thank Oli the G for reviewing my map, and I would like to thank pinohkio for making another video of my map. This has deffinately given me inspiration to better my maps and keep creating. This has 1700 downloads and I would like to make a map that breaks 5k. Wish me luck :D
  6. Solardeity

    Solardeity Forerunner

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    After playing so many of these race maps I have finally decided to make a forge hub account. I had to disagree with Oli the G on the review of this map. If you were to compare the maps, even if you used only the really great ones, this would be in the top for racing. I don't believe you looked at the comparison between a one lane map (which is for loser single player racing) and maps like this. The only part that I would agree with you on is that when you fall off you have to kill yourself, but with every map that I have raced with other people, the second I fall off or my friend falls off there is not a single percent chance to catch them on any map. We both have good racing skills and enjoy the high level of difficulty that the one lane maps have. This map is a double wide track that has the fun level and difficulty of a single wide track. The difference is that when I race this track with my guild leader, he can easily wind up being a couple of checkpoints ahead by the end even with no one falling off. I believe that this map deserves a better rating and would like to give my own personal rating for the map. And so you all know it is unbiased I would first like to give the map Accelerator a 9.5... That being said I believe this map deserves an 8.5 rating for being so competitive and a difficulty that most maps fail to bring to the table. It is shear skill based and to fall off a double wide track is ridiculous to bring up when people build single wide tracks that are easy in my opinion but nearly impossible for others.... 8.5 is my rating

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