R.E. Extinction Created by USNSEABEE555 Supported Gametypes: T-Virus(Infection variant) INFECTION Weapons: None Equipment: 2 Plasma Grenades Map Description Are you a Resident Evil fan patiently awaiting RE5? If so, here is a map to help pass some time while counting down the days... view taken from a distance view from the inside of the wooden shack ("The Hive" entrance) view of "The Hive" from the bottom view of "The Hive" from the top the bottom of "The Hive" Hope you all enjoy it! I did what I could with what I was given. Download R.E. Extinction Download T-Virus
is it just me, or are you pictures not working? I can see the subtitles but only one picture is showing up. i won't link you the guide on embedding screenshots since one already works but you might wanna fix the rest of em
This looks pretty cool, But it looks escapable on the higher platforms with the teleporters, Also, a better description of the map and gametype or some action shots would help alot. This looks fun, but I don't really get the concept, like are the humans stuck at the bottom levels (hive) or are they able to use the teleporters too, and where do they lead. Sorry for the long post, just trying to get more outa ya
The humans spawn right near the shack, Infected spawn out in the desert and stumble their way towards "The Hive", if they can make it that far! yes teleporters are in place and accessible in various locations throughout "The Hive". However, I did not put a tele inside the wooden shack. Just thought it was a neat idea since the movie took place in the desert. Hope this helps answer some questions about the game play.
Pictures are working fine for me bud, not sure what to tell you, except you could try following the link to d/l the map as the screenies are posted on bungie.net as well!
I made made a map simular to this, it was like an indiana jones style map. Might post it on here. On Topic: Pro's: Love the idea and the layout. Not a fan of RE but this looks great. Con's: Could have possable gameplay issues. More weapons and equment should be avalable for the humans for more varied and exiting gameplay.
I'm having the same problem...errr...not sure what's up, since someone else said they could see the pictures.