* R Compound* Played on gametype **Virus** Best with 13 to 10 players. Many hiding spots and tons of action. [/URL]Zombie spawn point [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] If you pick the custom up, your armor will turn the same color as zombies.
Cool map, I find it interesting that you can do merging but choose not to use it on the rest of your map for example that staircase in pic number 4. However I like how you made it somewhat interesting even without merging. I like the sniper tower but maybe slightly more time could have been taken to make it all even and 'non-gappy'. Overall I think it is an alright map but try forging on sandbox because it is easier for non-mergers. If you want to try merging then take the ghost merging tutorial here- http://www.forgehub.com/forum/forging-101/93485-ghost-merging.html
Both Sandbox and Foundry are good maps, it just depends on personal prefrence and what type of map you want. By no means is Sandbox easier then foundry, if anything its the oposite considering Sandbox has the OLN canvas that you need and the default items not interlocking correctly, ect.
This map could use a little more work if you have the chance. First off, zombies are going to be completely devastated by the machine gun turret and the snipers, and even more so if you can operate the warthogs. So as far as I can tell, the few barriers placed in between the base and the zombie spawn will not be good enough and there will be mutilated zombie flesh and blood covering the entire floor of your map. Basically, the map is unbalanced. Maybe do a few tests in the future before you post your maps.
Personaly, I hate Sandbox, there's too much choice and too much space to work with, so you always feel presured to make something awesome, whereas Foundry is a perfect size, not too big, not too small and you have the right amount of things to use. But thats just my opinion. On topic, it looks good but you should mabye label the pictures and get some action shots, also describe the gameplay a bit more so we know whats going on and why. I'll check this out soon because my custom map limit was reached yesterday. I'll get back to you. (And I'll actually try to considering how many people say that and leave their post un-edited =P)
Thanks for the advice, and actually, my first choice was sandbox and there were too much space. It felt Foundry was a better feel in the map. This was my first post, so thank you for the advice.