Quiggle Fort http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=68723572This map is basically two main buildings filled with guns, and stuf like that. In the middle of the map is a small fort packed with turrets, and stronger guns. This is also the very first map I have made, and published so tell me how it is, and how to improve maps in the future. I will also be making an infection map, and it will be better, and more detailed o this site.Screen Shots
Please do not double post. And this is not the correct posting format. Please click here. I know you have screenshots, but embed them. Edit: Sorry but you can't directly embed from bungie. You need imageshack or photobucket.
sorry dude. you have to embed your pictures. to do this, save them from your bungie.net account to your computer. then make an account/sign in at photobucket. upload the pictures onto the site, then copy and paste the image code into your post. from what this sounds like, you can camp in the middle room if you were to get into it. sounds like a dumb ideao, no offense. you dont have a download link either, so even if you had the pictures right you wouldnt have anyone downloading it.