QuickSand [v2] By SPAGETTII NEW SPAWN SYSTEM AND BETTER COVER. Same OLD QUICKSAND Quick Sand is a small circular map with that is perfect for Team Slayer, Slayer, or CTF. There are not many weapons for balanced gameplay the essence of the map is for BR's. The Upper Circle sidewalk is narrow and mixed with barriers and there is a big center area filled with sinking boxes that make it a hazard becuase the anlge of each box makes it hard to get out of. Weapons -Battle Rifle [x2] -Mauler [x2] Equipment -Bubble shield [x2] -Regen [x2]------------------------------------- Red Base Yellow Base Middle Pit (Quicksand) Action Shots Download Here Gamertag: SPAGETTII Replies are always appreciated Peace
I like the interlocking, looks good, even though its just a load of save and quit uncontrolled merging
Thank you but i assure you ... it was controlled i placed the single boxes in the middle so they would provide the correct angles of cover and two of the boxes in the middle are open so at certain angles and have maulers in them. They are like caves
thank you all for the feedback and the reason it is hard to get out of the middle is that you canty get out by jumping cuase it is too high and the single boxes in there are hard to walk on
no you cant well actually if you partner jump and grenade jump at the same time you ight be able to but i play tested it and made sure there would be no escaping thnx though
i rlly like this map actually. awsome concept. only thing that i dont rlly like is that the roofing on each base doesn't rlly look too clean to me. maybe a lil sloppy? or maybe thats just me. i'll definitely dl tho.
Thank you very much guys im glad you like it and the roofing i guess could be a little better where the fence walls interlock but it think its bearable thanx
Wow it really does look like the boxes are sinking into the ground. Nice Job and keep up the good work.
good job on the interlocking... looks a little messy due to the random walls that are interlocked within the double boxes... 6/10