Would you more likely be partial to a videogame sig than a epicly stylized nonvideogame sig? Please say which one and give a reason why. This is a question from Terrax AND Hells. Edit: Just for RoB... Or anime?
I actually only like sigs (for myself) where i recognize the render and know what it is. So, i don't really care, as long as i'm familiar with it.
Says he with the Link sig.. lol I think I agree with Hari here, don't really mind, I think, I dunno, stop asking me, aaaahh
you all say stylish when they're based on video games gawd im going to change mine just cos i said that
What the hell? No anime option? Out of the 3 I pick style because all my sigs are anime, although I'm making a new sig now since I found a new one I love xD
style is epic win sauce n u dont want to seem like the most HALO addicted member u no lol dont point finger at me he has a sig of master cheif grabbing the elites junk (laughing clearly more addicted 9 year old voice lol) okay me r done now... but newho i pic style its epic winner
Anime is now an option... Also thanks for all the posts even though Hells is still convinced gaming has something to do w/ ur guy's opinions. =)
It can be but the question was are you partial to VG sigs. Hells and I have noticed that VG sigs get the most attention and praise and are often times voted for in SOTW although they rarely win. It was more of an experiment to see what people like. =)
I'm not a huge fan of video game related sigs. Just because they kind of all look similar to me. When you branch out to other things there is a lot more possibility.
Hells said u would say that. Anyways I'm w/ u all the way! I haven't made a VG sig in forever! Anyways thanks everyone for posting but I think we got what we wanted. MODS PLZ LOCK! =)