I hope this is in the right section Anyway I am looking for opinion about something in a map for slayer. I have placed a rather complex trap of sorts into a map where a player is locked into a "room" and can do nothing but sit there, you cant kill or be killed. I wonder if that would add or detract from the gameplay. So what do you think, I've been told it would just piss people off and nobody would want to play the game. Any thoughts are helpful. Thanks.
Anything that slows down gameplay usually makes it less fun for people, just a small rule of thumb...
personally i think that would completely detract from the gameplay simply because people will just get bored and quit. on a slayer map i wouldn't really suggest having any traps at all unless they just kill you because otherwise all of your players will just rage quit. just try using death traps, not caging traps.
So it's slayer, but you can't kill or be killed if you get tra[[ed? It sounds like there's not really any gameplay there, just sitting in a box. If you really want traps on a slayer map, have them be kill-traps or hurt-traps, but cage traps will just make people quit.