in H3 you didn't have to put pics on your file share to view them at i can't seam to find you do that with my reach screenies. can you still do that? if so can someone lead me in the right direction. [br][/br]Edited by merge: my bad i just figured it out. my bad. its right on the side bar of my bungie profile
You can still do it. On the left pane on your reach profile page under file share there should be a link called "recent screenshots". It only keeps track of maybe twenty or so at a time in the order you took them so the only way to really guarantee the right pics are there is to add them to your file share. Also, I believe if you weren't online at the time that you took the pictures, they will not be added to your recent screenshots at all. Hope this helps. EDIT: Oops, just saw your edit. Good work, haha.