Ive recently made a map and i want to use it for territories. However, ive got a problem with the spawning points. Basically, when u usually play territories the spawn ing points change to around where the last territory was captured- all i need to know is how to make spawning points become available when territories are captured. Thanks for any help u can give me....
I believe spawn zones might do the trick. Set the "spawn order" on them to correspond to the territory and it might work. I think there are also some special spawn points you can use.
A terroritory works as a spawn area for the team that controls it. So long as all of your spawn points are set to "neutral," players will be able to spawn at spawn points inside of a terroritory if they control it or if no other spawn areas are available. What you need to do is make all spawn points "neutral." Then, make a spawn area for each team around all the spawn points you want each to be able to use when they don't control any terroritories, or if no spawns are currently available in the terroritories they control. Spawn points inside of terroritories will be used by the team controlling them.