Quick Black Ops Review

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jupiter, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    Campaign is fun. I like how they put a physiological twist to the game. If you are a Veteran player, you'll find the check-points to be... amusing... At times. What i also find to be..... amusing.. is the AI. Damn they's stupid.
    Overall it is a pretty easy game; though I'm not complaining, because what makes it easy is the lack of annoying bullshit (Grenade rain, Infinitely spawning bads, Friendlies not pushing up at the right time, etc...)

    Zombies is fun and all. It more of what we have come to know and love. Though I was really hoping that some form of Spec-ops would make it in the game. While I see the replay value in Zombies over Spec-ops, I honestly spent A LOT more time getting all 69 (I think) stars then I did playing WAW's ****-zombies.. Seeing how popular Zombies are, I would never suggest that Treyarch leave **** zombies out of the game. I'm just saying, I would have really loved Spec-ops.


    Fun. Customizable up the butt. At least right now it is balanced (no one has found any "ultimate noob weapon" yet). It feels a bit... World at Wary.. But that is expected. Better game than halo? They are different games - They don't compare. More fun than Reach. IMO, yes. There are a few party-staying-together problems, but that shall get sorted out later a bet. So far it is public-game-mods, free. That i have seen. I say give that a week.

    mmK. Bye!
    #1 Jupiter, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  2. Mr Horgan

    Mr Horgan Forerunner

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    Good review :D
    Getting it 2moz
  3. Acrazynerd101

    Acrazynerd101 Forerunner

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    Black OPs' graphics look kind of a bust. But the gameplay is fun. Pretty much everything you said.
  4. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Meh all of the COD's lately have been pretty much the same thing I think I'll pass on this one...
  5. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Exactly they're just churning them out for a big profit, not making many changes, but knowing everyone will still buy the games.

    @OP, you might want to underling/bold your IMO about HR vs BO, before you get some uber rants, or even remove it completely, because they are about as far apart as two FPS's can be, and as you said, can't really be compared, even though they have to be.
  6. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I mean I know there are two different companies working on them so really they are taking 2 years to make but still I can't afford to buy the same game with a new story and gimmicks every single year.
  7. Xerax

    Xerax Forerunner

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    In short, "No."

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