Questions about spawn points. How they work.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sir Green Day, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Sir Green Day

    Sir Green Day Forerunner

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    My questions concern an infection map I'm doing, but would apply across the board I guess.

    1. Does the # of initial spawn points determine OR limit the # of Spartans and Zombies. I loaded Hemorrage for an Infection Haven game and there were no red or blue spawn pointes. Just white neutral spawn points. Does that mean if you don't put down team specific initial spawn points that the game will automatically spawn 3 zombies and the rest Spartans?

    2. If I place 4 red initial spawn points and 12 blue ones, will the max # of players in the game be 14 players. - 4 zombies and 12 Spartans, or will the engine always place 3 zombies automatically regardless of how many blue initial spawn points?

    I guess the basic questions are - Does the # of initial spawn points determine the max # of players in the game? Also, do you have to place respawning points or if you don't, will the game use the initial spawn points as respawning points? And lastly, if you just use neutral (white) spawn points, both initial and, respawn, will the game run ok?

    Oh, I just rememberd one more, sorry. I saw an infection map, where there were 5 different colored initial spawn points. In a game type where there are only 2 sides, why would you do this?

    Thanks for your help, you guys are invaluable to a forge newbie like me.
  2. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1.yes it will
    2.yes the engine will automatically place 3 zombies
    The basic questions:
    1.No, but you can set the max players in a custom game though.
    2.I have no idea...
    3.Yes, but people from both teams can spawn at any respawn point
    4.Because whoever made it likes to waste time.
    #2 killllllll11488, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010

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