NOTE: Let me start out with if this is the wrong thread (I'm pretty sure its not, but what do I know?) could a mod move it before 80 people tell me its the wrong thread. So I'm making my first sig using GIMP. It apparently uses a layer system... and I need a background. Basically, if you're a sig maker, where do you find your backgrounds, or if you make them, can you give me some tips? Or if you really wanna be helpful you could make one, but I really don't expect anyone to do that. If you wanna try, I need something with black, white, and greys. Something kinda.. metallic but round. But pretty much its those two questions. Where do you find your backgrounds? Or if you make them, tips? Thanks.
ok, this is what id do if i hav a render that i am using, -first i make a a new layer, and place the render on it, the anchor it. -Then i go to bottom layer [aka background] and paste the layer on is multiple times in different places, that way, the hole background is filled with the same colors as the render Now we need to make the background blend -go to filters>noise>pick -once you get to that, max out everything [you will know what i mean once you get there.] -after you have done that, gaussian blur the background [set it at about 20-30 depending how big or small the imgae is] -Now run "Pick" on it once more, and now you will have a nice background! hope this helps, if you have anymore questions, lease, feel free to provate message me -LOCKdownN
Wow thanks a lot Lock... but i meant like where did you find your render with all the white lines and stuff and your lock. did you make them?
i made that stuff myself [edit] oh, the white line thing, thats a brush go to type in gimp brushes, then download some deviantART: where ART meets application!
Just google some renders. About 90% of the time you'll find something interest you can work with. Just save a bunch of files you like and pick and choose which ones will work best. I have photoshop and have never played around with GIMP so I'm just giving you tips about a universal type of signature making.
OK thanks all. I hope that I can get good at this. Thanks! Any other links to new places for pics/fonts/renders/brushes/anything would be really cool. Sweet.
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