Sooooooooooooz... umm I cant tell you why i need this due to my new map special release sum time in near future.. Buuuutt.. i need to know how to.. if possible.. spawn a dead sword.. by dead meaning Nooo power it's just the handle and u wach around lungeing ppl ect.... If anyone knows how or mebeh it's not evven possible Just reply THanks a bunch!
not sure if ive read your post correctly but even if it was possible i dont think you can lunge at people with the handle
In halo 2 it was possible- only on campaign tho- so once u ran out of "ammo" it was basically like the power and beatings of a brute on steroids since u could hit pepl that fast- obviously, the only outcome u can do is to waste all v juice on summit or someone and keep a hold of it otherwise- impossible