Sooz... I know.. Geevee or what ever it is, aaand thats supposed to let me upload vidmos... soooo i tried... aand tehre all like no you cant cuz u need this box with cords taht go to ur tv and xbox and then this other box that goes into ur comp and im like... wel... i got that.. one to tv and internet.. cant i just? get frum bbungie or osmtin.. and there like no.. and imlike... but it's right there cant we just sumhow take it and they said no... sooo..... is tehre a way to upload a video frum ma fileshare without neededin all those cords.. and boxes.. and stufffffff? THANKS
First off, type so we can understand you. Second, under where you sign in is a link to "GeeVee Grab." Click on that and fill in the info. The film has to be in your file share and you have to have an account on GeeVee.