How would you create a crashed helicopter on foundry? Thank you for taking your time and looking at this post...plase reply of you have any suggestions about this.
What scale are you looking for? Player size? That would be very hard.. Even if you managed to make the cockpit, that would take a heck of a lot of merging with map geometry, then you have the rotar and tail to do, which are very small, and you would have no items in which to do it.. Heres an idea though, you may aswell try it out. Use window pannels to make the cockpit area, Use A/B signs for the area where the cockpit meets the tail. Use weapon holders and Beam rifles to make the rotar,
I remember that TDF made the crashed helicopter on the CoD4 map Crash in foundry by using Dumpsters to resemble the shape.
Two ways I know of. First is the easiest way. Spawn Banshee. Destroy Banshee. Or you can do it the hard way. But that involves some interlocking. Ideally, I would start off with the main open doors area, then work my way left and right.
There was a beautiful helicopter made (not crashed) out of the crane in Foundry. It was the Featured Map called Tunnel Rats. Brilliant stuff right there. You should check that map out if nothing else than for the helicopter to get some ideas.