Why on alot of the race track maps you see there are random grav lifts that slow you down im just curious because im confused in what purpose they serve may be your spose to dodge them
The purpose of having gravity lifts on a race track map along with the teleporter's is to ensure that the map is cheat proof. That way nobody can easily go back and forth through the teleporter and gain easy points and ruin the fun for every body else. Having a cheat proof race track is almost neccessary in today's Forging standards when it comes to race tracks.
To add to what gamer said: The teleporters will teleport anyone who is not on a mongoose so they can't score any points unless you are on a vehicle. The grav lifts stop the vehicles from going back and forth through the destination and push players into the teleporters.
no imtalking about in the middle of the track not were the end is i knew why the teleporters were for
Well, some times people will use the gravity lifts as a mean of keeping you on the track due to their incapability of either making the track smooth enough to keep you on or to slow you down so you can ride the part of the track smoothly after the gravity lifts. I've seen seen people do both of these things I've mentioned on race tracks. I understand what you're talking about, you just didn't clarify it enough in the op.