Why is it when i download a map that it says "the next time you log in the map will be downloaded" and everything and it's says it's downloaded but i can't play it or find the map and i look at ative transfers and it's not there or my file share. I hope this not that noobish a question. PLease help, i want to play the awsome maps i downloaded.
Make sure that your customs list isn't up to 100 and give it time to download. I am not sure if this is true or just my opinion but it DLs faster if you are not on your xbox.
1. Make sure you're actually downloading map content. Once or twice, I did a download of what I thought was a map, but couldn't find it forever until I realized I was only downloading videos and stuff. Yeah, try not to download stuff when you're tired. 2. Try deleting a few items from your custom content. Look through the lists of game variants, map variants, pictures, and film clips that you have on your XBox with an objective eye, and get rid of the ones you never use (it's not like you can't download them again). This can be done by highlighting the content in question and hitting X. 3. Make sure you're looking for the map in the right canvas. While not probable, it is conceivable that the items you downloaded were created on different maps than you expected. 4. Make sure that you're actually logged into your XBox Live account on your XBox, and that you're logged into Bungie.net with the same XBL account. I can't think of anything else that could be going wrong. Hope I've helped...
also, if your on halo 3 when you downloaded the maps, they wont download until you sign in. So you might have to sign out