Every body remembers the exclusion glitch from halo 3 (the one where if you spawned an object in all gametypes and then deleted it in the one gametype where you didn't want it) Does anyone know a way to reproduce this in reach?
you can make it in all the gametypes you want. Basically go into any gametype you want it in, Lets say CTF. Then you goe to advanced settings. Set gametype specific to true Change the tag to CTF(or whatever the gametype is) Repeat in each gametype you want it in.
You can't tell an object to be present in all gametypes EXCEPT one. You can tell it to only be present in FFA games. Or only be present in Team games. You can tell it to only be present in symmetrical games or asymmetrical (asymmetrical is 1 flag CTF. Neutral CTF or Bomb is still symmetrical). You can tell it to only be present in CTF or Assault, etc. But you can't tell it to only be present in CTF AND Assault.
The above post is correct. If you delete an object in any gametype it disappears from all of them - I have done this a lot because the "basic editing" bug will bite me even as I'm setting up objectives and respawn zones for other game types. So yeah, unfortunately, the way to do this is to set up the same object in each game type you DO want it in, and not in the others.