First off, allow me to apologize if I'm posting in the wrong forum. I'm a long-time fan, first time poster. Second, while I've perused several pages of this forum and various other sites (wiki, fan pages, etc.), I have not been able to find a suitable answer to my problem. Thus, I humbly come to you, Kings of Forge World, for advice. I've set up a neutral bomb game on Asylum. In addition to the original capture plate I've set up two more at either base, each one closer to the center (the bomb). Is there a way to setup the secondary and tertiary capture plates so that they spawn, sequentially, after an allotted time? I've been able to do this with various other objects without an issue, but I must be missing something this time around. Example of the properties: Team: Blue Team Spawn Time: 90 Spawn Sequence: (I've tried keeping it at 0 as well as putting in the 'proper' numbers, but it doesn't seem to affect the outcome) Place at Start: False Game-Specific: True Symmetry: Both (keeps the plates visible at all times), Symmetric (keeps the plates visible at all times), Asymmetric (keeps the plates from appearing at all) Game Type Label: As_Goal Min Count: (Doesn't seem to affect the outcome) Max Count: (Number won't change) Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Unfortunately I don't believe you can make objectives spawn in later in the game. I am not entirely certain though.
I don't suppose there's a crafty way to leave the plates there while simultaneously keeping them inaccessible and not a hindrance to game-play? Example: an item/object placed over them that disappears after an allotted time?
Well the only real way to make an object easily dissappear is by using invasion, which would obviously not work for your map/game. You might be able to rig something up where a scenery object is atop the bomb, and a man cannon could spawn and knock it off. Of course this would look fairly messy though. I might be able to come up with a better way to achieve what your asking, and if I do I'll let you know. Good luck!