This is not a trick question at all. Just fascinated with what some people may answer with. I got the question from a video I watch recently. And as was said in the video, I will probably get the answer wrong, which I did. And when the answer was pointed out it made sense. Firstly some basic facts. No tricks. A tree is grown from a seed. A tree is heavier than a seed. Why is the tree heavier than the seed? Obviously because the tree is bigger. Now the question, please read carefully before trying to answer and actually think about it. Also just a basic answer is all that's wanted. Where does the seed get the stuff from to make the tree. Where does all the stuff that the tree is made of, come from?
the sun... /thread ok ill elaborate the sun produces the energy in te form of light energy this provides the energy for which the plant uses for photosynthesis which creates the 'food' for which the plant uses to survive and grow. + it gets minerals such as nitrates to aid growth because it is needed in plant proteins
Sorry, that's wrong. You need to re-read the question. You're saying that trees are made up of sun particles? The question was, what is the tree made up of. Where does the stuff come from that makes up a tree. The wood, the leaves. It all comes from somewhere, but where?
Minerals and water and other useful stuff in the ground? The seed contains all the information for how to grow and how to function I would think, not the actual stuff to make trees. That sounds like the obvious answer though.
That's the answer most well educated people give, the Earth. But that's wrong. That was also my original answer. Think about it though, if the tree essentially got all the stuff it is made up of from the earth it's grown in, there would be pot holes everywhere. Trucks going around with dirt filling all these holes up. Sorry, but the Earth/ground is wrong.
God and/or the Big Bang -or- Seeds are immensly dense and do in fact contain the amount of matter of an entire tree. Unplanted seeds is where the 90% of missing universe is hidden.
This question has nothing to do with higher powers (We all know how silly an answer that would be to such a question). And no... They do not have anywhere near the amount of physical matter to grow a full tree souly from the seed itself. You were correct about the seed being the programming behind the tree but not what the tree is made up of.
Your answer is somewhat broad. Basically it was like listing off every colour of the rainbow as your answer to a question asking what my favorite colour is.
No lmao, it was a lecture. Just a simple lecture. If I told you exactly where I saw it, it would defy the point of asking. It's a simple answer, it can be given in one word. It's scientifically proven, and if anyone finds out the answer you can check it out for yourself. If someone gives the correct answer...
This may be a bit of an obsolete guess but... Dust - you never know Other than that, I have absolutely no idea if the natural 'programming' isn't the answer to growth too. i'm looking forward to the answer.
so wrong you dont get seeds growing if you leave them in a dry dark place water vapour is in the air so its water as well