Question about the site i couldnt find an answer to.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by anthonyrapitis, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. anthonyrapitis

    anthonyrapitis Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sorry if i just missed the answer somewhere, but how does a map get put into the featured files forum? do the mods do it or what? thanks for the help guys. this site rocks
  2. Halodudeguy

    Halodudeguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im new and I would also like to know this..but I'm familiar with forging because I'm always over at ym friends house with him
  3. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    The loyals/premiums/essentially any colored members discuss any map that is spotted as possibly feature worthy. After much debate (depending on the map), a consensus is formed as to whether or not a map will make its way to the front page. The staff (The Journalists, Admins, and Moderators) then work up a write-up, telling the readers a bit of information about the map.

    It's a long & painful process, but it's done in the best fashion possible for the best possible front page.

    Sometimes the staff ****s up, though. Bear in mind, they're not robots.
  4. anthonyrapitis

    anthonyrapitis Ancient
    Senior Member

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    so all we can do is post em up and let it happen lol? will they just happen across it in the map variant forums?
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Take a look at the list of colored members.

    It's not as hard as everyone expects to be noticed.

    If your map does not wind up on the front page, it's best to take it in stride, and start working on your newest creation. Not every map you create will be as good as you think it is, to an outside perspective(s).
  6. anthonyrapitis

    anthonyrapitis Ancient
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    thats is true, but based on what people have told me, it is just as good as i think it is. their opinions usually go up even higher after they play on it lol. i dont mean to sound cocky, but if its good, its good
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    People's intentions are hard to interpret. Ever consider them being generously nice? - Not saying anything about your map, because I sure as hell have not seen it, I mean, I haven't even been on xbl in over a week or 2. The point is, you could be Mister Popular for all we know, and have a bajillion friends who all want this map featured. Well, when it comes down to it, the map will be tested thoroughly & analyzed up and down prior to feature. Again, if your map doesn't wind up on the front page, then the best thing to do is start working on a new map, something better.

    -Project X didn't make it on the front page til long after (how long? 5-6 months maybe?) Project Z, the most recent map finished by the 'Crew.
  8. anthonyrapitis

    anthonyrapitis Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i understand. im fully aware that the map will have to be put through its paces. ill be infe if it doesnt make it, i just think it will :D

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