I can't wait to start forging on Sandbox... Especially the skybox... I have one idea that is going to take me a LONG TIME to complete... I'm sure the game play is going to be fantastic, so if it looks really good, it's going to be a very popular map... I have a few questions about it though: How many Banshees and Hornets can be on Sandbox? Can you use any glitches to allow MORE Banshees and Hornets? Can you fly a vehicle underneath the Sky Bubble's grid? If so, how far? Is there a glitch for Sandbox that allows you to use an unlimited amount of boxes, walls, etc? Thanks for the help!
I don't know without getting home how many banshees/hornets there are. No glitches can help you get more of any item than the limit allows, walls banshees or otherwise. Walls and boxes you should have more than plenty of though. You can't fly under the grid, so if your map requires flying under it, just build your floor a couple box heights above the grid.
Thanks! Finally someone helps me out... I REALLY hope I can use a good amount of banshees or this idea just won't work... I am hoping for 4 banshees and 4 hornets all together... I am thinking that it will only be 2 banshees and 2 hornets though. If that's the case, the idea just won' work... :/
I'll edit this post in a little while telling you how many Hornets/Banshees can be placed. You can only go a negligible distance below the skybubble's grid (say the height of a small crate from the Pre-DLC maps) before you hit the death barrier. And the grid is not visible outside of forge. I doubt a Banshee can fly below a structure that is on the grid without dying, likewise with the Hornet. There haven't been any glitched discovered yet that allow you to place more of one item than said item's individual placement limit. However, I think in a laggy game, if you have two people and only one of an item left in the palette, if you both place the item at the same time then you get an extra one of that item. But it shouldn't come to this, most items have a place limit of 40. Although this sounds good, most of these items cost $5 each to place, so your $1500 budget gets eaten up quick] Wait a sec, I think Bungie.net had a weekly update about this. I'll find that instead. 1 mo... EDIT: Couldn't find the update on the bungie blog, so I did it myself: Pic of how far you can fly below the skybubble's grid before you hit the death barrier Pic of the flying machines of Sandbox. (Note the budget, which is the budget with default iems, plus the items shown. Note also that the two Hornets on the right are the Transport hornets from Avalanche) ^^^^ Sorry that was all one big link, and sorry I din't embed. and sorry I'm so cack-handed with b.net's search engine.
Cool!!! Thanx! I am bit lost with that one picture tho... So did they get those 3 banshees and 4 hornets through a glitch or is that all legit? Just found out somewhere else, I don't know if it is right, but I think I can have 2 carrier hornets, 2 beafed up hornets, and 4 banshees... I REALLY hope that's the case!
Yeah, sorry. One of the banshees muct have fallen off the platform. Your idea could work. Hope it's a good'un!
It'll take me 4EVER!!! But I am going to do it... I can't wait till April 9th! I am really looking forward to it!